View Full Version : Hello, anyone just like me?

25-11-09, 11:08
Hello, im a 20yr old female student and for the past month I have been having symptoms such as palpitations, chest pains, dizzyness, numb hands feet and trouble breathing (probs more) and until reading this site I was certain I had some sort of life threatning illness and was going to die, now im 80% sure its anxiety and just wish I could get that up to 100% im driving myself and my family crazy constantly telling them of symptoms im experiencing. made serveral trips to the doctors and a&e had ECG's and blood tests all come back fine but im still to be convinced I dont have some sort of heart problem, as theres no real big reason I should be anxious or stressed. if any one else is experiencing the same type of thing, would be really nice to chat!:)

25-11-09, 11:11
Hi yvonne2189

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

25-11-09, 11:11
thank you :)

26-11-09, 01:22
Hi im 55 and have had every test known to man.. since I was 20 .. Im still convinced I have a heart problem although there have been many doctors including cardiologist that say I don't .. Should I worry too? Just kiddin.. We all know how you feel , just hang in there you will be around many many many years from now.. Michael