View Full Version : Still so worried

25-11-09, 17:12
Hi everyone im getting these really bad light headed feelings when it happens i cant focus or consentrate on anything also when it happens my legs go to jelly and i feel sick. This is scaring the S**t out of me my blood pressure is fine as i bought a machine to check it because i had to have a CT scan on my heart to see if there was plack build up in my arteries and read that if there was that could cause high blood pressure and stop enough oxygen getting to brain. well my my blood pressure hardly ever goes over 140/90 but im freaking out over these dizzy spells that it might be something serious and im still waiting for the results of the scan im having trouble sleeping ever to much sleep or to little and im not eating or drinking a lot and im getting headaches . Im starting to beleive that i will never get better or that i dont want to get better i just want to be normal please help any advice would be good

25-11-09, 17:21
Hello, sounds like it definitely could be anxiety. Light-headedness and dizzieness are common symptoms. As Claire Weekes says "jelly legs will ALWAYS get you there". I know it's not easy but try not to worry about it too much.

25-11-09, 17:38
people seem to think high blood pressure causes us to feel dizzy and faint when its the oppisate its very low bp that does ,as for your bp its fine ,,its anxciety that causes it i get it at night and morning my bp is ok ,dont worry love you will be ok xx