View Full Version : I need honest answers....

15-11-05, 05:17
This morning I had this dream...In my dream I was injected with a needle for some sort of testing...After a few minutes I felt this horrible pain throughout my entire body, and electric shock kind of pain in my chest. I felt this pain so horribly that I woke up. Shortly after I woke up it stopped. I was so exhausted that I was too afraid to sleep, but it hurt so much to open my eyes. Shortly after I was able to fall back to sleep...but this dream has been stuck with me all day...That pain was horrible, and so real...has this happened to anyone? I have had my hear checked out recently as welll as my blood, all was well...Let me know if this has happened to anyone else..


15-11-05, 05:27
This is not exactly the same thing but the night after i had I my 4th baby I could not go sleep due to feeling like i was back in labour again. I stayed awake all night not being ablt to tell the nurse's that it was happening cause i felt like i was going nut or something. Not sure why this happened i have feelings of falling as fell asleep lot's over the year's but this was so much more stranger. Try to worry about it proberly got to with the memory of the dream you had cause it felt so real and like almost every anxiety symptom cause by repeated unwanted thought's like the brain is stuck on repeat. thinking about will give it more power and it was bother you more in the long run.

15-11-05, 06:17
I have never had a dream about needles or anything like that but I have had the falling dream - you know the one. I feel like I am falling and it seems so real that it wakes me and I really feel like I have landed on the bed. I think that it probably is just the mind playing tricks just the way it does with panic. You feel real pain sometimes but it isn't what it seems. Same with dreams - it feels real therefore the mind thinks its real and acts accordingly.
Maybe someone else knows for sure. That is just my opinion - haven't got any evidence to back it up tho.
luv ya,


If the world didn't suck... we'd all fall off :)

15-11-05, 07:51
I once had a bed dream about my leg being hurt badly in an accident and when i woke i had severe cramp in that leg.
I think you get a pain then make up a dream to fit it..........like wanting to go to the loo then dreaming your actually going to the loo.....


15-11-05, 08:01
This pain was horrible...what was this jolt through my heart? and the horrible pains in my arms and legs??


Sue K with 5
15-11-05, 13:23
Hi Shannon !

Dreams are a a reflection of your fears and sometimes we dream about the things that scare us the most. It's how our head jumbles up the information that is scary!

You could fear a mixture of things and they all come out in a weird way !

Dont panic this is not real this is just your fears coming through to you in your subconcious mind during your sleep.

There is a book you can buy from Amazon which can help you understand your dreams which I would suggest you buy, it is in no way scary and actually gives you a good insight into how the mind thinks!

Dont worry I have strange dreams most nights and some of them are ****** hair raising !

Deep breathing and try to empty your mind befor eyou go to sleep at night

take care

Sue with 5
