View Full Version : Embarrasing - itchy sore bum!

25-11-09, 17:24
I have had this in the past for a few days at a time - the entrance to my anus feels very tingly and itchy and stings and feels as if there is something there only there isn't if you know what I mean. Just to make you laugh I got my poor husband to have a very good look ( doesn't bear thinking about too much!) and he said nothing to see other than maybe a tiny tiny like paper cut in one of the folds certainly no piles or red rashes or anything.

I am prone to splits in the skin down below:blush: and was once told this can be from low grade fungal infection so have started using a cream that Dr gave me ages ago but is still in date thats an anitbiotic/antifungal and steriod.

I really really don't want to go to Drs with this as I have not long had a vulval absess and that was embarrasing enough - its a new Drs and if I go with this he will be sure I just like flashing my nether regions at him which coulnd't be further from the truth!!!!!!

wondered if anyone else ever gets itchy and stingy there?

25-11-09, 17:29
You could always try some sudacrem ointment first and see if that helps.

Cell block H fan
25-11-09, 18:29
Its a shame you haven't got any Fucidin cream? But you can only get it on script as far as I know. I had to go to the docs about the same thing years ago, but it was actually waking me up in the night it was awful :weep:
That cream sorts it out. x

25-11-09, 18:43
eat yogurt dont do what i did rub it on lol, i am not being silly yougert helpe sounds like itchy piles or thrush

Cell block H fan
25-11-09, 19:38
eat yogurt dont do what i did rub it on lol, i am not being silly yougert helpe sounds like itchy piles or thrush

The doc said mine was eczhma (sorry cant spell it lol) But the itch is similar to piles. Strange place to get it ey! :scared15:
Not sure to this day if he was totally right, but the cream worked, & ive had it now n then since, never as bad as the first time, but just use the Fucidin cream for a couple of days & it knocks it on the head x

26-11-09, 03:15
Wife says she gets these ,she uses anti fungal and triple antibodies it will take care of it.. Some people are prone to splits in the skin in those places.. but she said to assure you the triple antibodies are the best for this..

26-11-09, 08:46
I sometimes get this and find that Anusol is great.

26-11-09, 10:03
Hi there sounds like a fissure to me , ive had this and it gets quite sore and itchy at the same time , the doctor just told me to use a cream for piles for it like anusol etc, i did get a really good one from the doctor when i had an impacted pile which also caused the small tear there but for the life of me cant remember what it was called.
So i would try that first, and dont worry if you need to go to the doctor i'm constantly flashing my bits to him....sad really !!!!!!! They dont even think like that, i hope it starts to get better soon but it can take a wee while, take care xx