View Full Version : My Young Body Is So Fragile To Anything

25-11-09, 17:29
I know you probably read alot of posts from me but here you will probably see why im such a panic freak. No offence to overs.. but thats what i am.

Well anyways to cut a long story kinda short,

I am 16 years old and my body is so fragile, i cant drink, i cant smoke, i cant even do exercise or go on a day trip to a theme park because i get weak and shakey, or suddenly feel terribly ill. Each symptom leads me to hospital. I seems i cant do anything i feel as if im a 16 year old girl whos stuck in a body of a 90+ year old.

:( WHY ME!?

25-11-09, 17:35
Have you had any tests done? Are you on any medication? There must be something your doctor can do to help you feel better. Have you spoken to your doctor recently? You have your whole life in front of you so please get some help.

25-11-09, 17:37
Hi, Just read your post. I would just like to ask you if the shaky ill feelings get better if you do exercise or keep yourself busy?

25-11-09, 17:37
Alot of people keep telling me to get help from my doctor, but im scared they get fed up of me. Ive had blood tests the only thing what was wrong was thyroid is borderline. I had nothing else. I am on Peroxitine which is an antidepressent and i have the implant. Im not sure anymore.. :/ i really aint.

25-11-09, 17:39
No they get worse, i cant do housework or exercise for that long because my hands get to the point where they are visisbly shaking, maybe oneday they will shake right off my arms.

But going for walks isnt that bad sometimes i get weak whislt out walking for too long, but im scared to go out because of this anyway.

25-11-09, 17:41
Hi, What kind of implant is that? Do you find you are worse since getting this implant. Do you feel a bit better if you go for a walk in the fresh air?

25-11-09, 17:43
Sometimes depends what state im already in.
Its the contraceptive implant, it looks like a blue
straw and goes in your arm for 3 years.

25-11-09, 17:43
This all got worse after my abortion actually..
i never really think that it could be my implant
but you may be onto something.. hmm

25-11-09, 17:45
Don't worry about bothering the doctor, that's what they are there for and they get paid well. It's your health that's important. There are many different medications out there and maybe you need a change.

25-11-09, 17:46
I see, I had not heard of that. Perhaps it is affecting you in some way and that is making you feel worse?

25-11-09, 17:49
Well ive looked it up a couple of times for the symtoms i'll post them on the next reply so i dont keep you waiting.

Do you ever feel or felt like this before?

25-11-09, 17:50
Myra i will go to the doctors then and have a check up, seems thats the best thing to do.. but sometimes they talk nonsense to me and they dont really understand and i go home clueless once again.

25-11-09, 17:53
Side Effects
Some women with implants may have weight gain, headache, mood swings, acne and depression. Other possible side effects are vaginal inflammation or dryness, breast pain, stomach or back pain, nausea, dizziness and pain where the implant was inserted. Side effects that are very rare include extra hair on the body or face, trouble with contact lenses, and spotty darkening of the skin, especially on the face.

28-11-09, 09:11
It could be this implant making you feel like this. Also, maybe some things that have gone on in your life recently are making you feel down. I'd have a chat with the doctor again as you can't go on feeling like this. Can you try and get a sympathetic doctor at your practise? I'm fortunate in that there are 4 doctors at mine but I know that some people only have 1. Speak to the doctor and tell them all you've told us. It's their job to help you, never forget that.
Myra :hugs:

sarah jayne
28-11-09, 10:00
I dont want to scare you but i had the implant and it made me ill. Have you read about the side effects ? Increased anxiety, headaches and increased depression are some of them. Even though the doctor knew i suffered from anxiety they didnt warn me it would make me worse.I had it taken out the other week, the doctor wouldnt take it out as he said ' they are too expensive to go to waste' so i went to a sexual health clinic and explained how it was making me feel so ill and they took it out straight away.
Sarah x

28-11-09, 12:10
Ruby, you may have something called CFS/ME I think I may have it because I have been tired every single day for 5 years+ and I get dry skin, muscle twitches, weakness, anxiety for no reason, high blood pressure etc...