View Full Version : eating feeling and mild panic

15-11-05, 10:15
Hello, my name is steve

I am getting to my wits end and wonder what it is i am suffering from.

I avoid certain situations because i sometimes have panic attacks when i eat from the feeling of fullness after food.
Panic occurs in public places generally where there is no quick escape, such as on a train, in the back of a moving car, ina department store, in a restaurent or in the centre of town, etc, etc.

I always seem to be looking for an exit and the feeling goes when i reach one and know i am safe and will not 'throw up' in the presence of others and make a complete fool of myself.

This problem only seems to occur after eating, so it is difficult for me to go shopping for a day and have a meal then carry on shopping or have a meal and goto the cinema.

Just today i was invited to a meal after a meeting in town on the 29th Nov and feel i have to decline because i know i will have this feeling at some stage in the meal and then cannot finish my meal / enjoy it.

I dont tend to get this feeling in familiar places.

I feel so alone and could do with some help, i have had therapy before which did not help much, but about a year ago things did seem to get better but i am regressing again into these feelings and feel my life is slowly being ruled by this problem.

Is this familiar to anyone(eating in public/bloated/panic scenario) - can anyone advise on the best way to self help???

Many thanks



15-11-05, 10:38
Hi Steve

Welcome to NMP, im sure that you'll find lots of support on here, and many people are going through similar things to you too, so you should get plenty of advice.

When i suffer panic attacks i often feel like im about to throw up, dizzy and faint etc, and need to leave quickly or find somewhere where i can throw up if i need to (which turns out to be never lol). What your describing about panic attacks in public places is extremely common, usually that would be considered a level of agoraphobia, but if youre problem is specifically after eating food then that seems to be the main trigger rather than being out in public places.

The following links are threads about emetophobia which is the fear of being sick. This phobia can cause anxiety and panic attacks. I just did a quick search to start you off, just use the search function im sure it will come up with a few more!

To Emetophobia sufferers (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2253)
CBT for emetophobia my experiences... (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5998)
[Link removed invalid url]

As to self help, most people on here will recommend books by Dr Clare Weekes, i have a couple myself and think theyre brilliant, very clear and simple and the advice really works.

others things you can do is to face the fear. Go to places that are familiar and youre comfortable and start there. Build up to eating a full meal if you can, and the most important thing is to try and stay even if you have a panic attack, as once the attack eases off and subsides eventually you wont associate the place with panic and things will be easier in the future. Once you are comfortable doing this in a familiar 'safe' place you can move on to unfamiliar places and widen your 'safety' circle and as you do so your confidence will increase and you should start to enjoy it rather than fear it. Thats what happened with my agoraphobia, i started off small and went slow, and that built my confidence and then things can go quite quickly from there!

There are anti anxiety medications which your doctor can prescribe for you, which can make it easier to do things and give you the confidence to deal with your anxiety. If you dont want to go down that route, then you could try herbal remedies, and bach's rescue remedy which can be helpful.

Good luck Steve, remember youre not alone in this, everyone on here has some form of anxiety or other, we're all in the same boat!

take care
Alice x

15-11-05, 13:12
Answered this elsewhere I'm sure.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

Sue K with 5
15-11-05, 13:14
Hi Steve

Welcome to NMP !

I am so sorry to hear your having such a rubbish time ! I thinK Alice has clarified most of the things that you can do to help with your issues, the one thing I will add is that although your councelling did not work before, it should not mean it wont work this time.

I spent years going to and from various councellors and eventually was referred to CBT

Panic disorders are curable ! dont ever think this will not improve because trust me it does ! four months ago I could not venture outside my front door without beta blockers and a set of body guards!

Now I am able to take my daughter to school and go the the local shops, with the right support from the guys on here and the CBT i have managed to gain the strength and courage to face some of my fears head on.

Use this forum to its full potential and speak to others who have similar issues and anytime you feel you need to chat your more than welcome to PM us.

Dont give up Steve this can be beaten ! your not alone !!!

In terms of the eating one bit of advise I was given was to eat in small portions ! I went out to a restaurant for the first time in years about two months ago now, everyone ordered this huge curry and I knew if I ordered it I would not eat it so I ordered a salad and some bread and a small dish which I just ate slowly making sure I was happy with how I felt and no one questioned me for the small portions either.

If you feel ill just drink water ! dont mix food with alcohol or fizzy pop ! that can cause bloating and making sur eyou can see the door or the exit signs is a good way of combating your fears

Please take care and try and read the books Alice has told you about !

Take care for now

Sue with 5
