View Full Version : Depressed and so stressed

25-11-09, 20:03
Feels so depressed and trapped in a life i can't bear anymore.
Im 46 and still live with my parents. I do not have a family off my own and feel in despair most of the time.
My sister is in hopsital with a burst appendix , so have spent most of today in a panic.
Spoke to a friend today who is just so selfish, she always expects me to listen to her!!
I have so many health anxieties and now have an appointment to see my GP on Friday due to blood tests results, my doctor wrote to me but im not sure whats wrong.
Everything feels so difficult and i spend alot of my time crying.
I don't want to go on like this anymore, i have been seeing a therapist for nearly three years. My life will never get better.
SORRY i know this is so negative , but i feel in despair....

26-11-09, 00:57
Sorry you are so down .. and we are all here to help you.. We can all identify ..Try not to worry and relax and yes your life will get better.. Its ok.. we all get negative but thats what all of us are here for to help each other. You too will be better and be doing the samething. Good to have you hear. Michael

26-11-09, 01:03
i know what you feel,i was there to but things do get better if they can for me ,they will get for you take one day at a time we all ear to help small steps just small steps take care HA FOR 5 YEARS

26-11-09, 01:12
What's wrong with living with your parents at 46? If there is one thing I have learned this year, it's to make sure you are living to your own timescale, not rushing around trying to meet other peoples' deadlines. :)

How is your therapy going? What medication and/or supplements do you use, and what other types of self-help do you use?

From your wording and the way you seem to view certain things, it seems to me that stress is possibly a major underlying problem which is worsening your feelings of anxiety and depression.

I believe that stress is a very underestimated problem. It drove me to despair in my last job and probably contributed in a serious way to the problems I am having now. I think self-hypnosis mp3s which help to deal with stress and relaxation problems could take the edge off some of your feelings.