View Full Version : Newbie

25-11-09, 20:27
Hi folks

I've been signed up with this place for a couple of years, but I think this may be the first time I've posted. Not feeling too great over the last few weeks and I seem to be in the grip of a major anxiety problem. Have been on Citalopram (20mg) for just over 3 weeks and also taking Diazepam (5mg) and Temazepam (20mg) as and when needed. Not been taking them every day, but I've just taken half a Diazepam and will probably need help sleeping tonight too.

Things at home aren't great. I'm my one year old daughter's main carer and my wife goes to work (she's a teacher and I work part-time) Have been on the sick for the last 3 weeks with this problem. Aa a result, the family have been rallying around to help me look after the little one, as I feel unable (at times) to cope with looking after her on my own. When the weather is bad and we are stuck indoors with a long day ahead, it begins to feel very claustrophobic and that's when the panic/anxiety sets in.

This week, my mam has come to stay for 3 nights to support me during the day (she's been great), but it seems to have caused some resentment with my wife. My wife is very stressed in her job as a teacher and for the last few weeks she's been having to do 2/3 hours work every night after the little one has gone to bed (which she insists on putting her to bed) She takes the tiredness/stress out on me, often snapping and I feel totally unable to help her. I'm trying to do more around the house (jobs, etc) but I feel in a bit of a no-win situation. She knows I'm ill and has told me she feels that she's treading on egg shells, but that doesn't stop her having a go at times, like she has done tonight. Makes me feel awful and sends the anxiety rocketing (which she realises) and I too feel like I'm tip-toeing around her. We have talked about things but there is still much tension.

The fact that I cannot put a time on my recovery is compounding the problem for not only myself, but my wife as well as it puts on to other members of the family.

Help. :unsure:

25-11-09, 20:29
Hi Logan_Five

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

25-11-09, 20:53
hiya a warm welcome to nmp , i understand how you feel im my 2yr olds main carer and if looking after her wasnt enuff i also have depresstion and social anxiaty, which makes it hard to go out my partner is some what supportive but struggles with my " problems " i do hope you find the supoort you need on here and maybe see you in chat some time

all the best

25-11-09, 21:03
Thanks for the warm welcome. :) Going through some of the links on the left.

26-11-09, 00:08
Welcome to NMP. We are glad to have you here with so many of us that are here for you to chat with. Sorry to hear of your situation. Family can sometimes cause the most major anxiety. Good luck to you and take care.Michael