View Full Version : I am New!!! Help, Totally depressed!!!

25-11-09, 20:36
Hi, My name is Melanie.

I have depression and I dont know what to do about it!!! I sometimes think I am a nutter!!! Anyone feel the same?

25-11-09, 20:37
Hi melg2009

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

25-11-09, 20:41
Hey, Thanks.

I hope so, people at home think I just blow things out of all proportion but I think I am just sensitive thats all. To be honest, I dont realy know what I feel. People are so quick to judge you and put you down.

Anyway, thanks for the warm welcome x

26-11-09, 00:53
Yep all nutters here lol.. Just kiddin. You will find out what to do about it just keep reading and posting.We are here for you and welcome you here.. Michael

Granny Primark
26-11-09, 14:02
melg welcome, this site and its members have been my lifeline, Im sure it will be the same for you. Come in chat and have a rant a moan and even a laugh.
You are not alone.
Big hugs xx