View Full Version : Think I really am the only one!

25-11-09, 21:19

I'm a 25 year old female from the UK and I've been reading through this site for a very long time but finally plucked up the courage to join and post about myself. It's a bit of a long one I'm afraid but I've read everything to do with anxiety and have not been able to find anyone suffering like I am so I'm doubting that it's actually anxiety (which is probably what is making me feel worse!!)

It all started when I was about 18, my left eyelid started drooping slightly so I looked in my mother's health dictionary (worse thing to do ever!!) and it said that a possible cause was a tumour behind the eye, of course I panicked and started getting headaches, it turned out that I had just stretched the skin on my eyelid due to excessive rubbing when suffering from hayfever but my headaches never went away. I then went back to the health dictionary to read about brain tumours and anurysms (sorry can't spell) and panicked more, I then became obsessed with the thought of having a barain tumour or anurysm and was convinced that I had one. I just couldn't stop thinking about my head and for about 4 weeks I was always conscious of my head and would get shooting pains or swelling sensations on just the thought about getting a pain, I was petrified that I was going to suffer a brain haemerage. Somehow though I managed to stop thinking about it and I was absolutely fine and happy for the next 6 1/2 years.........

Then when me and my partner started planning for a baby last year it all came back but much much worse. After conceiving I had a couple of uneasy nights when I thought I was swallowing my tongue and would wake up panicking, this lead to going to bed one night after having a massive panic attack because I was so frightened to go to sleep. After having the panic attack I worried that it might have affected my baby so I started googling (why why why????!!!!) I came across some awful things which triggered my memory of when I was 18, all of a sudden I couldn't stop thinking about my head and I was getting head pressure and pains constantly just by thinking about it. This lead to major anxiety where the whole top half of my body went completely numb I couldn't feel it for a whole day. I tried to redirect the pain that I was feeling into my back coz I was certain that I would suffer a brain haemerage if I continued thinking about pain in my head.

I saw a doctor who said it was anxiety and referred me to see a counsellor. I went to see a perinatal specialist but although she listened to my wierdness I wanted her to look me in the eye and say that I wasn't going to die, she just looked at me as if she didn't understand. I pretended to feel better so I didn't have to see her anymore because I just wasn't feeling a click.

Anyway one year later I have a very happy and healthy four month old little boy who I love so so so much but unfortunately I am still suffering. I cannot stop thinking about my brain and head pressures and my whole body is constantly tense, I get shooting pains down my back just by thinking about it and I'm never relaxed, I constantly feel sick and think that everyday is my last day and that I'm not going to be here for my son , it's so awful. I worry about his health too and I'm just so trapped in myself that I'm starting to feel depressed. I've got such a good life and I'm planning my wedding for next year, I'm so happy really but this whole obsession is driving me crazy. I thought when I opened up to people it would go away but no it's there all day every day.

Is there anyone out there who is going through this?? I read about people getting symptoms from anxiety but I never read about anyone bringing the sensations on themselves just by thinking about it, I want to get back to normal and be the person that I know I am but it just won't go away.

Sorry I told you it was going to be a long one!! I really hope that someone can relate and will reply :)

25-11-09, 21:20
Hi hugs

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

25-11-09, 22:09
Hugs, I think all of us here have felt some or all of your symptoms at one time or another. And probably most of us know how it feels to sit with a counsellor who hasn't got a clue what we mean or what we're feeling. But it's good that you've posted now...you'll find so much support here and I think that you can guarantee that whatever your symptoms are, you'll find that there are other people have felt the very same symptoms.

theia x

25-11-09, 22:51
Welcome from a fellow newbie. :)

25-11-09, 23:42

You will find a lot of helpful information within this site.

A lot of us relate to the things you describe and it is very common for anxiety and its symptoms to be brought on by just thinking about it.

You're not alone.

Welcome to No More Panic.

25-11-09, 23:49
You are kidding right? Haven't you noticed any of the people here and what they post? lol Sorry I wasn't being sarcastic its just that sweetie ,,everybody here almost without exception feels exactly as you do.Some good days some bad days..Im 55 .. and I have suffered some form of anxiety all my life.. Thank goodness as a child I didn't know what anxious was.. I heard my doctor tell my mom I was anxious. I didn't know what that meant.. I thought he meant I was anxious that I wanted something .Who knows.

Mine some caused by an anxious mother, some caused like you by reading things I shouldn't have in my mother's medical books.Some because as soon as I was born people started dying all around me.. most of my family were aged when I was born.. so as I got older they were dying off.

My brother which I thought would outlive all of us woke up got ready to go to work and had a massive coronary .He was only 44.. Freak out. I have outlived him by 10 years and keep expecting mine any minute but his was called a hidden heart condition like some you see in the news like athletes dropping dead at young ages.. So it was something no one could have seen coming.. But well my parents died fairly old my grandparents as well so maybe I have a shot at another few years.

I think the rest of the anxiety was contributed to me by the stress of growing up and marrying young having two children and elderly in laws and family .. Worries worries worries especially about your life and your children growing up and normal everyday worries will do this to you , so you are among many here that feel exactly the way you feel everyday .. You are among good friends so open up and let those feelings out.We are all friends here. God bless you and hope you feel better soon.. Michael