View Full Version : Mind Games: Depression in Sport

25-11-09, 23:45
Not sure if the correct place to post, but did anyone just watch the program on bbc1: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00p6r0m

(Don't mean this in a bad way) but was good to hear professional sport people with there stories that sounded so true to what I've felt myself.

26-11-09, 00:35
Sorry I missed that. Ill have to check to see if it will be on again.. Michael

26-11-09, 00:38
very interesting i could relate 2 many things they were saying .

26-11-09, 03:40
no i didnt watch it yet have rec it though lol

26-11-09, 11:05
Saw trailor and have read about Marcus T.
I think I'll watch it this afternoon.

26-11-09, 18:24
Thanks for the link - just watched it on iPlayer. Just goes to show that even the most unlikely people (I would have previously thought) are susceptible to the dreaded illness.

26-11-09, 22:05
Yes watched it last night.It just goes to show that nobody is immune.I hope a good few non-sufferers saw it too.


27-11-09, 16:59
I came across this prog by accident, and it was refreshing, and quite inspiring to see sports-people speaking so openly and publicly about what happened to them, how it felt and what they did/what happened to help them. This is the sort of programme that should be shown to professionals (Dr's, cpn's, etc) to educate them, as they are not all as open-minded about how M.I. affects people. I remember a Stephen Fry programme that was fairly similar, and that was a fascinating and inspiring prog as well. In today's world, it is only through 'celebs' and famous people coming out and talking about their M.I. experiences, that attitudes can change. I.M.H.O.

27-11-09, 17:12
I watched it and thought it was excellent .Frank Bruno was in it and the way the news papers reported on his illness at the time was absolutely disgusting .The stigma will never go completely but programmes like this make people watch and maybe learn that no one is immune .Unless people talk about it it will remain a taboo subject . Sue

27-11-09, 20:46
Thanks for the link.. It was great. I've forwarded it on to lots of people x