View Full Version : Very worried : \

26-11-09, 00:09
I've been suffering from anxiety since the beginning of this year, and through that time I can't remember the amount of times i've been to the GP about various colds, coughs, aches and pains : [

My latest concern is that I have absence seizures (or petit mal) due to the weird head feelings I occasionally get.

Sometimes even weird moving patterns on tv/internet (probably best described as 'trippy') make me feel a bit funny - don't know if that's normal though.

Recently found out my grandmother was diagnosed with it ageees ago (but it disappeared), same with my mother (although that was to do with dizziness and she wasn't even tested, disappeared too).

Best way I can describe it is if I'm particularly worrying, or suddenly shocked by something (an example would be turning on Sky News one evening and seeing MICHAEL JACKSON DEAD in big letters), then i'll get a bit of a funny feeling in my head, like a rush which I can break (or seem to impulsively) break my self out of. They do not occur often at all and are instant...not drawn out or long.

I'm planning to slowly stop taking diazepam 3mg soon...and seeing as it's listed as an anti-convulsant to treat epileptic conditions too - it worries me that any underlying issue will emerge badly when tapering.

I scare myself by looking it up...even typing in 'petit mal anxiety' brings up loads of results. I often experience panic and anxiety WITHOUT anything like that happening, so don't know if it's just a normal occurance with sudden/extreme moments of shock/stress.

I just feel really really down about this now...especially when I thought my anxiety was slowly fading and I was emerging again. But this week has been terrible...due to worries about coming off etc.

Any help? : \ The prospect of EEG or any medical tests at a hospital scares me...

26-11-09, 00:43
Sorry to hear you are going through such a bad time. I have had those rushes..I used to hear bad news and I would feel just like you do.. Just keep trying its going to get better and we are all here for you .That Michal Jackson thing was a little much they kept going on and on and on about anything and everything you could talk about .He was 50 and im 55 so how you think I felt ? but then .. Its anxiety . it will be ok.. Take care..Michael

26-11-09, 00:50
Thanks Michael, appreciate your response :) Internet forums like this are really helping me - planning to take good counselling whilst cutting down so should be okay.

Are these feelings really intense like mine, quite frightening? More I read into it I don't believe it's petit - mal because they don't tend to occur when i'm calm or relaxed, and I remember them clearly.