View Full Version : Does Anyone Else Get Missed Heartbeats For Days?

26-11-09, 05:16
I know these aren't suppose to be harmful ,but for the last week I have had them almost all day and night.. Random.. sometimes every 30th beat other times none for an hour or so others every so often three or four that seems in a row.. I have had a lot of stomach issues recently and gas..

I just wondered if anyone else felt this way for days.. Its starting to really annoy me.. I have had my heart checked over and over and also ekg and the doctor told me these were benign.. I hate them so much.If it wasn't for them I wouldn't worry as much.. at least about my heart.

I usually get a serious of three and four at a time right after the other right before sleeping and then during the night if i wake I can feel them when I lay on my left side.. I saw where a cardiologist said as long as you don't get them every other beat they are perfectly safe.. Hope that is true..

26-11-09, 07:43
i had them for a week once but all tests were normal so i guess mine must of been ok im still here lol but if you think they are worse id have a quick visit to docs just for reasurance

26-11-09, 14:35
I also had these and they lasted for months, not all day but many many times during each day. I had tests and was told there was nothing wrong. They stopped being so frequent about a year ago and now I seldom get them. No idea why they stopped! Just have terrible anxiety now instead!!!!:shrug:

26-11-09, 15:44
It's interesting you say that you've had stomach problems and gas recently. Lots of people report this when they have ectopic beats. They sometimes seem to come part and parcel with them. I suffer from them to and have gastric reflux. I often find that when I have lots of ectopics that I can't stop burping!! It's not my imagination!! So it could be related to that but I think it's got a lot to do with stress as well. I've had them for the past 7 days on and off. Then they'll probably disappear again for a while:shrug:

26-11-09, 21:05
I think I read something one time about gas going up against some nerve that has to do with the heart.. and it causes it to misfire or something.Not sure..I just wondered.. about the length of the skipped beats for everyone.. Thanks to everyone that answered here and hope we can get to the bottom of this. Thanks again to all Michael

28-11-09, 21:33
I suffered with this constantly a few years back where i would get thousands of missed beats a day and i did not have day off from it for nearly a year.
I did go to my g.p and have an ecg and it all came back normal it was just another symptom of my anxiety.
I spent so long to scared to exercise etc incase the doc had made a mistake and i had a heart attack but that never happened and eventually they decreased as my anxiety got under control again.
Most people suffer from them without even realising they have had one, but us being the anxious people we are tend to feel every sensation etc our bodies naturally produce.
I hope this helps in some way.

28-11-09, 21:47
It does and its appreciated.. I have had the buggers for over 30 years.. I hate them..Im sure that we all get them everyday many of them..but lately I have noticed mine a lot more than usual .. I guess they will be ok. I just wish they would go away for awhile..Also the last few days I have had something of a cold or sinus..that could cause them to .When you are a little sick, sometimes they are a lot worse.Thanks again..Michael

28-11-09, 23:51
Hi, I have had these on and off for years and years, yep defo worse lying on your left hand side and theres definilty also a connection to gas/air/indigestion, Im also worse in the cold weather, also if under the weather or not had enough sleep or even not drinking enough....infact anything just kicks them off :-( x

04-12-09, 03:19

Yes. yes. yes. I have had them for days and frankly even longer then that. They are maddening, right?
I started to feel annoyed and frustrated as in " when will they go away?"
I have gotten various and numerous symps over the years though I have to say that the missed beats and palps ( in fact just had a short run of them a moment ago) have been the most distressing.
Of course I feel that way with most of the symps but I would have to say that anything with the beats missed or fast can make me panic.
That is what you do not want to do- panic that is as it releases more adrenaline and that only speeds things up even more.
Please do not laugh but coughing and sometimes even singing out loud has helped with the missed beats and palps. Do not know if it actually does something or if it is only a matter of distracting oneself.
Yes, I have read that tummy upset and gas can bring on missed beats.
I do not recall if I read it here or on another site but someone went into great detail about the vagus nerve being stimulated from indigestion and gas and making the missed beats.
If you have any of Claire Weekes' books ( they have been a lifesaver for me on many occasions- if you dont have them run and get them) she speaks of missed beats being a result of stress and indigestion and other things.
Please take yourself by the hand and try to weather the storm.
Ride the wave and try not ot fight it.
Let me know if the singing or coughing helps any and again do not hover and wait for them to go but try and float past them.
You are fine and will be fine Do not worry.

05-12-09, 03:20
Hi and thanks to all that answered.. I have probably had them most of my life and think they are definitely associated with ,stomach indigestion ,gas, caffine,smoking etc.It seems they are here to stay so I guess I should just sit back and try to relax as they probably aren't going anywhere. Im pretty sure I get them many times and DONT notice them too.. but its really reassuring to have people come forth and tell me they feel the same..Thanks to all.. Michael

05-12-09, 15:08
The other day my cardiologist said he gets loads every day and more if he's been drinking the night before.