View Full Version : panic attacks

happy happy ron
26-11-09, 07:51
hi all, is anyone out there getting panic attacks like mine or is it just me. i wake up and feel as though im forgetting who i am, last night i thought i was in the army(im not) but struggled to convince myself otherwise, is it normal to feel things like this?????

26-11-09, 08:10
Hi Ron,
It definitely could be a side effect of the medication. I would go back to your GP a.s.a.p. and see what he says.
There is no NORMAL/ABNORMAL feelings with panic attacks --- anything is possible when your body and mind is in such an over sensitized state especially if hyperventilation is also occurring. Best of luck, Barry

26-11-09, 19:30
i have been on citalopram now for 8 wks but just started taking 20mg day 3 and my panic attacks and anxiety is really bad cant take it anymore had enough so no how ya feeling