View Full Version : Arms still ache despite feeling less anxious

26-11-09, 09:21
Hi all,

Made my first post last week regarding how anxious I was about pains / aches in my arms and what the possible 'serious' implications might be. The combination of posting on here and seeing my GP made me feel a lot less worried, however in the week since, my arms haven't got any better so of course the anxiety is starting to creep back!
I just imagined that once the worry decreased, the arms would improve but that doesn't seem to be the case, in other's experience, have I been expecting too much too soon?


26-11-09, 09:35
Hi Bullethead,

I never experienced this specific symtom with my anxiety and PA, but I did experience many other and judging by my own experience they do feed off of one another and it does take time for them to subside.
Hope that helps a little.


26-11-09, 09:39
Hi Bullethead, i am not a medical professional or anything like that. But the aches in your arms could be the cause of muscle tension which has built up over time due to the anxious symptoms you have been having. Last night I went for a massage at my local gym and the women was amazed at how tense i was and said that it was going to take at least another five to six sessions to ease the tension. When i got home, my left arm started to ache and was quite discomforting. This morning it seems somewhat better but i can understand these symptoms being quite alarming

26-11-09, 10:34
Thanks for the replies, I think I probably am expecting too much too soon. Although I don't feel as anxious as I was, I am always aware of how my arms feel so it's a bit of a vicious circle really - can't relax fully until aches subside, aches won't subside until I fully relax :doh:
I think I'll just try to be happy that I'm less stressed than I was 2 weeks ago and take it from there, also I think a massage sounds like a good plan!