View Full Version : Any tips advice ideas?????

26-11-09, 09:40

I dont really know where to start and sorry if this sounds like a woe is I post but really struggling here:weep:

I feel awful at the moment.....nothing I can put my finger on just awful:doh:

I feel on edge the whole time, burst into tears at the slightest thing.....yesterday dentist cancelled my long awaited appt for next week and I was in floods of tears!!!

Ive been a pig to my husband who is the lovliest person and does all he can to help me!!!:lac:

All I want to do is stay in bed and sleep and wallow in self pity which I cant because I have a job to hold down

Nothing makes me laugh anymore just feel like Im stuck in a rut and have the most awful nightmares every night

I dont know why this is but will say whats going on and see if anyone has any ideas

I have to have my last bit of dental treatment just before Xmas now and Im terrified of my teeth breaking before then so Im not eating well at all

Im having a heavy period which Ive not had for ages as I had malnutrition and they stopped this means I have to take meds which can make me feel yuck

My son has just split with his girlfreind and is moping and upset and I hate to see him hurting so bad

I have started (just) to take iron pills again as I suspect my iron levels have dropped

My co worker dosent pull her weight and Im covering a lot of her hours and when she does come in she does nothing

Life seems to be non stop theres always something to do....never do I go home and put my feet up like tonight I have to do food shop on way home

I just feel wrung out and not right and Im now worrying that Im going to be really ill again tho my rational self tells me im not

Im starting to feel a bit anx again too

Dont really know the point in this post but wondered if anyone was the same or had any ideas???

I also suffer a bit from SAD although this has never been diagnosed

I have so much to cram into the lead up to Xmas and I cant even face life


Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

26-11-09, 10:04
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww my Kazzie.

Your post has made me cry. :weep:

I'm sorry you are struggling so much. I know you are a very cheery person and Its hurting me to be here and not up with you to give you lots of cuddles. :hugs:

I have to say You are a very strong person Ive seen it. You are a true inspiration to everyone.

I'm sure Roger doesnt mind anything, He loves and cares about.

I really wish I could do something to help you. but I do feel useless.

Its only 2 weeks till I see you again and I soooooooo cant wait.

You know where I am if you need anything.

I love you lots always and forever.

Limpet Nikk:bighug1: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

26-11-09, 10:07
Hi Kaz,

Sorry to hear you're having such a horrible time of it at the moment. I know the feeling oh so well, and all I can advise especially when things are so hectic is try and find one positive thing to work with. I find that it slowly helps me out of the dark hole.

26-11-09, 10:07
:hugs: Sounds like you are just worn out

You have a lot going on. If you are low on iron you will feel tired. SAD can also be very debilitating at this time of year, as the dark nights have arrived. You're obviously hormonal with the heavy period, which is probably what has made you tearful.

Can your family help more around the home? Could you and your hubby do a weekly shop instead of you doing it every day? How about a take away sometimes so you don't have to cook? Anything so you can give yourself a break and rest up a bit. :hugs:

Granny Primark
26-11-09, 14:14
aww kazzie you seem to have hit rock bottom.
Just remember that you have so many people on this site who genuinly care and love you. (me included).
Me and my hubby have got a special place that we go to when we are really stressed. That place is a layby where we can see 4 counties from.
We also go to a lake thats nearby and feed the ducks.
You are so lucky to live where you do. Find a special place you and your hubby can go and totally feel calm.
Loads of love and good wishes xxxx

26-11-09, 14:34
Awwww thanks everyone:hugs::hugs::hugs:

Looked up the side effects of one of the meds for heavy bleeding and I have every side effect mentioned:doh:

Think this may be why Im feeling duff

Im gonna stop taking them and see if things improve

Luv to you all

Kaz x x x:hugs:

26-11-09, 17:59
hope you feel better soon you seem like a lovely person wish was nearer would give you a cuddle keep your chin up

26-11-09, 18:17
Big hugs for u Kaz seems like ur having it rough

Hormones are playing a huge part in all this - as for being a pig to ur hubby - comes with the territory being female! we've all been there lol

Your son and his gf will soon resolve whatever difficulties they are having

Let xmas come and go its only one day - an expensive one at that plus too damn stressful - I landed myself in hosp last xmas day because of the strain and stresses I put myself through and its just not worth it

So come you - lets see a smile! live by my motto

Always look on the bright side of life - no matter how bleak things are - there is a bright side!

Take Care - speak to ya soon

Luv Dee xxxx :hugs::hugs::hugs:

26-11-09, 18:29
Hello Kazzie,

Sorry you are feeling so low. It isn't surprising really since you have had a huge amount of stress to cope with lately - these stresses and strains do take their toll. Even when we do recognise the signs of stress it is difficult to deal with because life still goes on as usual, and it isn't easy to take 'time out'. Whenever I feel really stressed I just make myself slow down; i try not to let my mind race ahead thinking of all the things which have to be done, and remind myself there are some things which are beyond my control, and that bad situations usually have a way of working their way out, and it often works out better than I think.

Hopefully you will see some improvement when you stop taking the medication, and you will feel better able to cope with everything else.

I am sending you a big hug, and hope you will be feeling better soon:bighug1:

margaret jones
26-11-09, 18:33
Kaz what more can i say they have said it all

Lots of T.L.C to you xxxxxx

26-11-09, 18:39
Kaz.. you seem such a lovely generous spirited lady that it makes me really sad to here you are so down. I honestly think this time of year can play havoc on our emotions... all the dark, dreary, cold and wet mornings and nights really can get us down and im sure that isn't helping.

I don't mean to sound like a therapist or something but would it help to write a list of the positive things in your life... including us gorgeous people on here of course lol.

Sometimes the negative elements in our life just swamp us and we need to really focus on all the things we have that make us feel loved and happy.

I truly hope you will start to feel better

Love Mand x

26-11-09, 19:39
aweee kaz

Im sorry you are feeling so rotten, hormones and low iron is probably a big factor on your mood. i too am having a lot of bother in this department, taking mefenamic acid and iron and the moment for a never ending bleed, and cramp and to add insult to injury i also have a stinking cold. i have now reached official ogre status in my house, i am being so horrible to my husband and son, and over reacting big time, yesterday i was told to go back to my swamp and sit on my favourite boulder ( i think thats a shrek thing), so my name at the moment is princess fiona, aka the ogre...
at the end of the day i am usually forgiven, and i am sure it is the same with roger
Remember you also have a job to go to, , your sons split with his gf and i think its only been a few weeks since roger felt under the weather, they all take their toll, and then you add in mixed up hormones, and viola...

A :hugs: big hug from me , hope you start to feel a bit better soon.

P x

26-11-09, 23:21
Sorry you are feeling so down.. Im sure if you have questions or thoughts you will find them here or share your feelings ,sometimes just that makes you feel better.. Hope you feel better soon.. Michael :hugs::hugs::hugs:

27-11-09, 09:40
Thank you all so much for the lovely replies:hugs:

I stopped the meds yesterday morning and feel lots better already so they were obviously the cause of it all:blush:

Actually smiling again today:D

What a way to react cos the dentist postponed my appt:whistles:

Thank You all again:bighug1:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

27-11-09, 12:47
Hello Kaz,

It is good to hear you are feeling so much better.:)

27-11-09, 14:57
Thanks Rosie:hugs:

Luv Kaz x:hugs: