View Full Version : so fed up with all these symptoms

26-11-09, 12:50
Hey everyone,

I know everyone here has gone through similar experiences and I just wanted to share mine as I feel like no one understands and is getting fed up with me and all my symptoms!

I've not been feeling right for months now.. i've had a very difficult time the past few months too for various reasons and because of this every time I have been to my doctor with the symptoms he has put it down to stress.

My symptoms have been dizziness,shooting pains in my head,pain in my ribs,weakness in arms and legs,a bruise on my leg which has been there for months and feels like there is an indent there too,strange ring like rashes on my leg,pain in my back/spine,in arms,a goitre,heart flutters and palpitations. I have had full blood test done a few weeks ago and everything came back fine, in fact my doc said that the tests were 'immaculate'. No matter how many times someone tells me it is stress I can't accept it and I am convinced there is something else going on and I literally spend all of my time thinking about it, looking up my symptoms on the internet. I am just worried that because of my difficult personal circumstances the doc is just assuming it is stress, but not considering other things.

Any advice would be much appreciated as this is really taking over my life and feel like I am not the same person I used to be and people are starting to get fed up with me obsessing over my health.

K xx

sarah jayne
26-11-09, 13:08
Hi, i cant give you any advice but i want you to know that your not on your own. Ive been ill since july and i seem to be getting worse every day. Ive had a constant headache, pins and needles, weakness, chest pain, palptations, numness in my left foot and now my left ankle is swollen. Im sick of the doctors fobbing me off. Im convinced that theres something wrong with me that they have missed. I had blood tests on monday as they suspect i might have a vitamin b12 deficiency and thats what might be causing my problems, i find out tomorrow.
Sarah x

26-11-09, 13:14
Hi it sounds to me like health anxiety (I suffer from this too) it doesnt matter how many tests the doctors do you never believe that theres nothing wrong with you. The more you worry the worse you feel its a horrible vicious circle. You have a test done then tie yourself in knots waiting for the results but when the results come back all clear you still dont feel relieved. Does this sound familiar? The best advice I can give you is dont keep looking up symptoms on the internet as this always makes me feel worse. I think once you see the symptoms your mind starts convincing you that you have got them. HA is a horrible thing to have so you have my heart felt sympathy. Zoe xxx

26-11-09, 14:03
Thanks guys, yeah its starting to get really bad and i'm finding myself spending the majority of the day looking up my symptoms. I think the reason why i'm even more convinced there is something the doctor isn't finding is because my dad almost died a few years back because the doctors failed to diagnose his condition, he was literally 2 days away from death and had it not been for my mum taking him up to A&E he probably wouldn't be here. I guess I just think if they failed to misdiagnose him they can do the same to me.x

26-11-09, 16:40
Thanks guys, yeah its starting to get really bad and i'm finding myself spending the majority of the day looking up my symptoms. I think the reason why i'm even more convinced there is something the doctor isn't finding is because my dad almost died a few years back because the doctors failed to diagnose his condition, he was literally 2 days away from death and had it not been for my mum taking him up to A&E he probably wouldn't be here. I guess I just think if they failed to misdiagnose him they can do the same to me.x

This is a very important piece of information and explains why you won’t except what your doctor is telling you.
My Father passed away in March this year of Motor Neuron disease and have a guess what I think/though was wrong with me a few months back?
It’s all linked as are your fears.
If you haven’t done already you should tell your doctor what happened to your Dad so they can understand better why you are so anxious.
Good luck and I hope you start to feel better soon

26-11-09, 23:30
Hope you feel better soon.. We are all here for you .. Michael :hugs:

27-11-09, 00:02
Hi there!

It is definately possible that what you are experiencing is health anxiety. I just wanted to throw something out there, i could be totally wrong but better to mention it just incase. The reason I wanted to mention it was the ring like rashes on your skin. I had all of the symptoms you had (except the heart flutters) and also other flu like symtpoms.

Are you ever around places or animals that may have ticks? The doctor suspected I may have gotten bitten by a tick which could have given me lymes disease while I was hill walking round the campsies in scotland.Probability-wise its more likely to be anxiety but I just wanted to make sure you had thought about all the options because lyme is rare and its not always the first thing to spring to mind. However dont stress out about lymes either because if it is it, then you just get given some antibiotics. Like I said it was just your symptoms sound a lot like mine, esp the ring rashes and back and arm pain, however I also experienced a mild flu which I think is very common with lymes.

I hope you feel better soon
