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View Full Version : Shortness of breath NOT SERIOUS?

26-11-09, 17:03
I have shortness of breath off and on, having it now its really uncomfortable like I have to yawn all the time and can only get 90% of breath.

But the weird thing is, I went for a walk today and even broke into a jog for a minute, and during this I didn't notice the shortness of breath at all.

Is shortness of breath only serious when it gets worse with exercise? I've had a load of tests about 2 years saying my heart was fine, but I've had no lung xrays or anything like that.

It seems to be worse when I lie down.

Can't understand this - right now I WANT to go and exercise more so it goes away again - just so confusing!!!

Can anyone advise???

26-11-09, 17:29
I have shortness of breath off and on, having it now its really uncomfortable like I have to yawn all the time and can only get 90% of breath.

But the weird thing is, I went for a walk today and even broke into a jog for a minute, and during this I didn't notice the shortness of breath at all.

Is shortness of breath only serious when it gets worse with exercise? I've had a load of tests about 2 years saying my heart was fine, but I've had no lung xrays or anything like that.

It seems to be worse when I lie down.

Can't understand this - right now I WANT to go and exercise more so it goes away again - just so confusing!!!

Can anyone advise???

Hi, I has this awful feeling constant for months, it was horrible. and I still get it now and then, it's also worse when I lie down, had chest x=ray ECG blood tests and everything normal, went after that, I wouldn't say it's bad if you get it with exorcise cos I can't run for 30 seconds without getting out of breath, but I do smoke, you sound fine, if it continues to bother you and make you feel depressed, I would go see your doc.

26-11-09, 19:27
Hi there,
That can sometimes be another symptom of anxiety as I randomly get it but also it can be a sign of anemia. Go to your doctor and see what he says..goodluck.

26-11-09, 23:24
Hmmm I would say anxiety but shortness of breath..on lying down.. Might want to check with your doc.. I have and do suffer from all kinds of shortness of breath..been lucky so far and no heart or lung issues.. No xrays either but doctor told me I was clear.. she said mine was all anxiety but .. Just to be on the safe side ,check with your dr..Doesn't mean you have to have xrays just have them check you physically.. They can and they will know if something is wrong. Its probably not but always better to have seen a doctor. good luck. Michael

27-11-09, 13:27

I have the exact same thing and have had it for a long time. Shortness of breath and a tight feeling in my chest, worse when lying down, but I can still run for half an hour or go to the gym for an hour and it doesn't make it worse.

If it was a heart ot lung condition, it would get worse with exercise.
I HOPE so much that it is an anxiety symptom...


Jac 2009
27-11-09, 14:49
This shortness of breath sounds exactly like mine and mine is definitely anxiety.

What happens is that you breathe more than you need to. Your body compensates by making it harder for you to breathe and this makes the oxygen and carbon dioxide go back it balance which it needs to be.

I do this and it works every time. Breathe in normally using your diaphram (this is really important because most peope who get shortness of breath use their upper chest to breathe.) Breathe out normally and hold your breathe for a count of five. That's it! It's not hard - it just requires you to persist for a few minutes. You will quickly find your shortness of breath goes - until you start breathing badly again of course.

As for it being worse when you lie down, that's only because you are more anxious when you lie down - you have less to think about.

Hope this helps.

Jac x