View Full Version : Massive Fear

26-11-09, 18:37
Ive just been to my gp because of the dizzy spells ive been having he checked temp , pulse , BP and ears and said all ok and i might have a viral ear inffection so i just said oh i thought i might have a brain tumor and he said i dont think so at the moment now im terrified my only symptoms are dizzy spells and stiff neck and some time a bit of nausea now i cant get the tumor thought out of my head :weep:

26-11-09, 18:46
let me assure you ,all of us that have anxiety suffer with the same thing ,if you put in dizzy spells under the search button you will see just how many so please don't panic if the Doctor said your ok believe him hun x

26-11-09, 18:46
Hi what a stupid thing for your doctor to say. Try not to worry (easier said than done I know) Im sure if your doctor had any serious concerns he would of refered you to a specialist. Hope you start to feel better soon xxx

26-11-09, 18:50
I'm just getting over a second bout of these dizzy spells, two years ago it lasted for almost nine weeks, my doc said it was an inner ear infection, nothing could be done as it was inner ear and it will eventually go, and it did.

I asked my doc the same question, about whether she thought it was a brain tumour, she said i very much doubt it, and i would have more symptoms.

I too got nauseas, because of the dizziness,

hope this puts your mind at ease.

best wishes

di xx

26-11-09, 18:54
Im having the same fear at the moment of a brain tumor or something like it due to lightheadedness and abit of dizziness and a persistant headache. My GP thinks its tension..... but i can relate to your fear.
Take care
Debs x

26-11-09, 18:56
I was getting really lightheaded and dizzy for ages . Worried myself sick over it . My GP told me it was a sinus infection got some antibiotics and a steroid nasal spray . I still get pain and pressure from time to time and lightheaded but i know now its my sinus . Have to take the spray for 3 months . hope this helps .

26-11-09, 19:54
I had this for months and months a few years ago and worried myself sick about it. In the end it just went away on its own, strangely when I turned my attention to something else. It definitely is fuelled by anxiety and worrying about it only makes it worse. I'm sure you will be fine.

26-11-09, 20:59
Sounds like inner ear trouble.. Wow. symtoms so much like mine all the time.. Also if you have tmj could be that tumor.. doesn't really sound like it. Just relax and if you keep feeling bad just for piece of mind go to another doc.. But it sounds too much like what I have had for 20 years.. and im still around .Good luck to you Michael