View Full Version : Blood test results?

26-11-09, 19:18
Last week I went to see my GP with my support worker for a very long overdue medication review (I take a lot of meds), blood tests and flu jab.

Today I got a letter back from my GP asking to make an appointment to discuss the results. My support worker called the surgery and asked if there was a problem. She was told that my liver function and blood count results needed further action.

I don't have HA but I am terrified of going to the GP's surgery. Last week was the first time I had been for many years, as my GP always came to my home.

Does anybody know what this may be an indication of? I really don't want to go back to my GP's and am tempted just to ignore the letter.

Any advice would be appreciated xx

26-11-09, 19:30
I dont know what this can indicate but im sure it can be something very straight forward.. i would also presume if you are on a lot of meds it can possibly affect blood results.... try not to worry... speak to the dr and im sure he will explain fully

Mand x

margaret jones
26-11-09, 19:41
Hi Sunshine

I does sound worrying when they ask to see you but i am sure it will be something simple , Thew last time this happened to me it was low iron count and i had to take iron tabs for a while.

Try not to worry Take Care Margaret

andrea thompson
26-11-09, 19:51
hi hon

try not to worry... i am waiting for results to my recent blood tests... and i am really panicking too.... i think its normal to worry about these things.... but if your an anxious person its easy to let negetive thoughts get out of control.... this is what i am telling myself.... i am sure that we will both breath a sigh of relief when we get our results from the Dr.

take care x x

26-11-09, 20:37
Hi ,
I take a lot of meds as well and they can affectblood results one of them being your liver function, so dont worry he'll probably want to review your medication and possibly change things about a bit even, im sure everything will be fine x

26-11-09, 21:08
Certain meds can affect blood test results, so it'll probably just be a case of tweaking your dosage or changing you to an alternative for a little while then re-taking bloods.

When this happened to me, it was due to them not getting enough blood of all things.

26-11-09, 21:13
I don't know if you drink alcohol or not but if you had drunk the night before the blood tests then the liver function results could be raised.

26-11-09, 23:10
They used to do this crap to me every time to a point I don't even let them take blood anymore. Everytime it was you have impurities in your liver or this or that.. I used to and still get really scared when I know I have to go the doctor..I start getting headaches and I take a lot of tylenol.. Ok .. That causes this to show up in the blood..the next time I have gone back I cut out the tylenols..guess what .. no problems.. Its something minor.. they are so full of crap but well if they say to come back then I guess go back.. I just have told them to forget blood test for me but sooner or later im sure ill have to. Michael

26-11-09, 23:59
Thank you all for taking the time to reply.

I am meant to have blood tests every 3 months due to the medication I am taking, but because of my reluctance of going to my doctors (plus agoraphobia), I have relyed on my doctor coming to see me on home visits and it had been many months since my last blood test. My doctor tested me for everything last week.. I am sure he took an armfull of my old red stuff!

Since my last blood test, some of my medication has been increased, some stopped, others added etc. The changes have been under the supervision of my psychiatrist (as I am under secondary care) with the understanding that my GP monitors my physical health!

I am prone to anemea and although I enjoy a tipple at my friend's house once a week, I hadn't drank anything alcoholic for several days before my blood test. My anxiety isn't about my health, but the fact I would have to endure another nightmare visit to my GPs surgery.

I want to ignore the letter, however I know my support worker will try to push me to go to see my doctor again. I feel like an Ostrich and just want to bury my head in the sand!


27-11-09, 00:10
if it was serious doctor would have told you to come straight over :-) will just be something routine no doubt xx