View Full Version : Anyone else in this situation???

15-11-05, 16:25
Is anyone in this situation?? I have trouble getting far away from the house as I always worry I will need the loo and not be able to get to one in time. The longest I have been out the house in months was for an hour but that was walking round in circles really nearby. The closer I get to home the better I feel. The other day I made it quite far but had to run into pub loo. This all started because of my IBS.

I am on Prozac and Betas as the Dr says its in my head and i dont really need to go but i reallllly do. I have been getting anxiety attacks too, I worry when there are a lot of people around and try to go for my daily walks either really early or late when I know there is not a lot of people around. I feel like Im not getting anywhere, I have been off work since mid Sep but havent been able to increase the walking distance much in this time. I have missed 2 concerts I really wanted to go to as so they in Glasgow which invloves train and people (noway). I feel like I am holding my boyfriend back from doing things as we are always in the house, I cant remember the last time I had a weekend night out.

Also I am meant to be going on holiday at New Year, we go away every year but I am starting to worry there is no way I can make it this year. Or if I do I will spend the whole time in the hotel. Aargarggrhah!! A lovely member from this site has sent me the Linden method so going to read through that and try it, any other advice would be much appreciated. Thankyou. Sus, x

15-11-05, 16:52
im sure no doctor should have the right to say "its all in your head". The problem i have is leaving my house. The only advice i can offer is to plz do not stop going out, its so easy saying, ill not go today, ill go tommorrow, its so easy to get into a housebound situation, but my god, its ever so difficult to get out of it. Try to go holiday, make a new year's resolution! you have time to do some self cbt.
Take care
Becci x x x

15-11-05, 17:07
Hi Sus
i have ibs too and sometimes i feel the same way as it can be so unpredictable!

I found this site for ibs really helpful and the diet is easy to follow and stabilised me.


Once you get your stomach stabilised you will be much more confident about going out etc and be able to deal with the panic without the ibs flaring too

good luck

15-11-05, 17:07


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

15-11-05, 17:25
Thankyou guys, these 3 posts and the pm I got are really helpful and its not even been up an hour. Thanks. Sus, xx

15-11-05, 20:35
hi, i agree with becci,the minute you allow this to stop you from going out is when you will realy start to regret it. i did allow panic to stop me from going out and although i can go out now, i have had to go through some crazy times to get to where i am now, and i just keep telling myself i should never had allowed this to happen in the first place. you keep going on your walks, even if it is just round in circles! in time you will get better. and becci, you will be out and about again, it just takes alot of hard work and alot of time. good luck xxx.


16-11-05, 12:27
Hi Sus,

I suffer terribly with IBS to so i know how difficult it can become. Please don't let it stop you going out though.

If i'm having a bad time and i have to go out. I sometimes take an imodium and that can settle it.

Take care,

Love PIP'S X X

16-11-05, 13:07
Ahh I had a month of this back in Feb - I dont know whether it was IBS or a bug but it really put any progress I was making back a great deal.

Like the others say keep going out even if it is just little bits. Also you could do my old trick of going out when it gets dark for your little walks and then who's to see even if you did feel a little odd.

I had a brown furry coat last year and didnt feel too scared, as in that coat and in the dark if I did have an IBS moment it wouldn't be very noticable.

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

16-11-05, 14:20
bathroom obsessive (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2946)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

03-07-08, 22:49
Hi everyone Im so exicted to hear other people share my problem I always felt it was just me having these irrational thought of not making it to the restroom and having an accident in public. My trouble is because I feel li have to go number 1 or number 2 all the time I can not get on other people car except my mums dads sister and cousin everyone else would be horrifying. Anywyas I had learned to live with my problem and learned how to control my thoughts but recently had a relapse and again i have to use a toilet like 100 times a day. It stoped me from going out and doing normal stuff like having a boyfriend or partying and attending school. Any ideas on how I can work this out without having to use imodeam and tying something around my waist anylonger. I have also opted for dressing in dark clothes just in case anything does occir which it never has thank god.
Good luck to all

04-07-08, 02:30
the Dr says its in my head and i dont really need to go but i reallllly do.

Actually, your doctor is right because I don't think he/she meant it in the way it sounds.

It's true to say that if we've had alot to drink, eaten alot of fruit or are suffering from a bug, then we will need the loo frequently but on a normal average day, it's "in our head" that makes us feel we need to go when if we controlled what's going on in our head then we wouldn't need the loo frequently.

I've suffered from this problem all my life and I know exactly why I suffer from it but I still find it difficult to control. The one thing I have learned though is that I may need no.1 when I'm out but it's been years since I've needed no.2 while I've been out!

I know I've posted this before but I used to hate using the loo at school so I'd try and hold on until I got home. It didn't do me any good! Every morning before I went to school I'd try and make sure I "went" in the hope I wouldn't need the loo at school. I even used to take kaolin and morphine in the mornings to settle my tummy! (I'm NOT advising it and nor do I know even if it's still available anyway!)

I also used to feel very anxious before I went to work. I used to eat lots of fruit and drink lots of orange juice the night before to make sure I "went" in the mornings. Trouble was by the time I got to work I'd be in such an anxious state that my first visit was the loo. I hated using the loo (my toilet phobia) so I'd cover it with loo paper and end up blocking it so I used to have to allow time in the mornings for my daily visit that I was trying to avoid!

These days I still feel anxious before I go out, especially if I think I'm going to be out for a long period But I no longer eat so much fruit and avoid drinking before I go out because I realise now that it just made me want to go more. I find now that once I'm out I don't "think" about needing a loo so I end up "not needing" a loo because I'm keeping my mind occupied on what I'm needing to do rather than how I'm feeling. Often I end up not even needing a loo until I get home hours later.

It's stress and the fear of needing the loo that makes us want the loo so it's how we're "thinking" so I can understand what the doc was meaning.:hugs:

24-11-08, 04:14
^ I know exactly what you mean, that sounded like Id written it myself. lol

Ive not left the house in 7 years due to this fear, Im only 23 and I have missed out on so much due to this fear of loosing control.But I can not prevent the thoughts anymore, which triggers the physical, if only their was some way to stop it, I dont wanna be agoraphobic all my life. Its killing me, but I find it embarrassing to talk about, other then my doctor and I dont think she takes it seriously at all, yet its destroying my life. If you find any solutions let me know! xxx

24-11-08, 12:53
I can sooo relate to this!

It's a nightmare isn't it? I am absolutely terrified of needing the toilet when I'm out, and not being able to get to one... I really take it to the extreme. Before I leave my house, I go to the toilet about 10 mins before I need to leave, then 5 mins before, and then again right before I'm leaving - all to try and prevent me from needing when I'm out :blush: It's an obsession! And when I arrive wherever I'm going, the first thing I do is go to the toilet... I always plan outings around where the nearest toilets are :blush: I'm even really bad on mornings when my dad gets up really early to go to work... I seem to know what days he's getting up early, and make sure that I go to the toilet before he goes in the shower etc... as I'm absolutely terrified of needing and not being able to get into the toilet due to someone else using it etc... I'm not sure that when I go it is because I desperately need to go - I just go as it's a sort of habit now, and it's to prevent me from needing to go! :blush: It's all very confusing! :blush:

Lou x

26-03-09, 23:43
Hello im 19 years old and i think i definatly have I.B.S! Im so worried as it makes me feel so uncomfortable! I have lots of symptoms, bloating, funny taste in my mouth when i have a attack, wanting to go to the toilet loads and loads a day and (my boyfriend moans at me), and i have a mixture sometimes my stools are hard and i have to strain to go, or sometimes i past wind on the toilet and it just all comes out! I also have some headaches and they go when my pain goes! My pains are quite bad when i have them under my ribs! Please can someone tell me if this sounds like IBS

28-03-09, 02:38
I spent a year alone, on my own, leaving the house for college, no social events for approx. 2 years...
It was so hard getting out of the old routine, I strongly recommend you stay out-and-about even if its 100 meters from your house, just keep pushing it every couple of months:)