View Full Version : Worried, trace of blood in urine

26-11-09, 23:14
Hello everyone, this is my first post, I'm really nervous!!!
Today I had a medical and the nurse found a trace of blood in my urine:scared15:. She asked me if I was having a period, but I had my last one about a week ago. I'm worrying sooo much. My brother in law died this year from cancer and even though it was lung cancer, one of his symptoms was blood in the urine. I have four little children and can't stop thinking about cancer and dying, and having to leave them behind. I know this is out of proportion but I don't know how to stop myself. Should I go to the doctors tomorrow and see what he says? I feel ok otherwise, well I did!

26-11-09, 23:41
silly b should have reassured u at least -
go to docs, for your own peace of mind
but it does often happen i believe

i had a scare on sim (female) lines today, and nurse was v v reassuring, still worried ofcourse

26-11-09, 23:45
Hi everglades, thanks for replying. Unfortunately as I don't speak fluent french, it's very difficult to get to the nitty gritty of anything when I go to the doctors, I do my best to understand, but often come out in a state! I will go to the doctors today, he does speak some English.

26-11-09, 23:47
it must be hard
i would hate that
hard enough getting English speakers to understand !!!!!!!!

27-11-09, 00:42
If you are concerned see your doc..Im sure its nothing.Im a guy but have been married twice to women that have mentioned this from time to time..They are still around and doing well ..take care , be at peace ,.try not to worry and if all else fails ,check with your doc.. to make you feel better and peace of mind.. Michael

27-11-09, 17:54
although i'm a guy and it's slightly different i suppose... i too had traces of blood in my urine and had to have my urine sent off for a full examination, which came back completely clear, i was told it is quite common for this to happen, so try to relax :)

27-11-09, 19:32
Hi Mum4c,
I totally understand your concerns.. Whilst I think its always worth getting these things checked I would say that it's something that I have had many many times in my life!! Its often been a mild Urinary tract infection or period related and never anything to worry about. Wishing you lots of luck and happiness x

28-11-09, 10:54
Hello everyone, thank you all so much for your kind words of support, what a fantastic site:D I went to the doctor who sent me to the lab this morning with another sample, the results should be back in about 3 days. He did tell me that it has been found that the dip sticks that they use to do urine tests can be unreliable, apparently 3 out of 10 give rogue results, hope I am one of those. Just counting down the days 'til the results now......:unsure: Thank you all again.xx

04-12-09, 20:42
Hello everyone, just wanted to update all the people who had supported me with my worry. I had another urine test which has come back all clear, no infection :yesyes: I managed to see my doctor who said that all people have some white and red blood cells present in the urine, this is normal. I did have a few epithelial cells which indicated a bit on inflammation, but this is due to me not drinking enough water. So, I don't need any further investigations, everything is okay!! I just wanted to let anyone else who has the same symptoms know, that it may not be anything and to go to their doctor if they are worried.
I am so relieved, the trouble now is that I have Gastritis from all the worry :scared15:, so I am dealing with that now. The trouble is that anxiety causes so many physical symptoms and we all know that worrying does you no good, but try telling yourself that if you are going through difficult times. I am sending out hugs to all worriers, together we can support each other.:bighug1: