View Full Version : hope

26-11-09, 23:22
Hi everyone,
Not been on for a few weeks but just want to reassure people there is light at the end of the 'tunnel'.

I've had a really rough time and things have got worse this week.....but i can cope:yesyes:. my son who has autism is being pushed out of school, if this had happened 2 months ago im sure id be ib hospital, but now I'm prepared to fight, and in some strange way I'm relishing the thought of fighting. The old feeling of fire in my belly has returned, the love and fierce protection for my son is back and a new determination is now in me.

I feel strong!!! trust me in my darkest moment June-Sept I would have been close to ending it all and if this had happened then probably would.

Just stick in there its took me 6+ months I'm still on meds, I still have bad days/weeks but it can get better.

Good luck and health to everyone.

26-11-09, 23:53
Well done. It's great that you feel you are coming through and have recognised your strength. I hope all goes well in your fight for your son's schooling. :hugs:

27-11-09, 00:36
Its great to see a positive post!! I have a disabled brother and know the struggle your about to face but you will get there !!! COngratulatons again on coming this far !!!


27-11-09, 00:50
Nice post and hope you continue to do well. Our thoughts and hopes are with you ..Michael :yesyes: