View Full Version : Hello New To The Forum

27-11-09, 01:34
Hi everyone im kev.Ive been looking at the sight a few time and decided ide join hopeing to make a few new freinds and get help with getting to grips with my anxiety ect.I have sufferd with anxiety and panic for years now im 27.Started when i got agoraphobia and wouldnt leave my room at my perants house at 20,now 27 i have my own flat and work as a volunteer with people with similar problems.

Currenly im haveing a rough time with my panic\anxiety which has seemed to flair up again.Ive done cbt and also i do relaxation which helps to a point.Also resently been told i have type 2 diabities so am not sure what is anxiety symptoms and whats diabities?.

Ive mainly sighned up as im a very isolated person who dosnt have many freinds and dosent mix well.Tend to spend most my time alone except if im on the internet which is quite a lot lol:winks:.

Anyway essay finished ha ha.Looking forward to getting involved here :yesyes:


27-11-09, 01:36
Hello and welcome to nmp.

There's lots of helpful advice and many friendly people, so I hope you will find it useful.

27-11-09, 01:40
Hi kevjns

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

27-11-09, 03:03
If you have diabetes .. Some of the symptoms are very similar to anxiety but if you are a new diabetic type 2 I think that you can control it with a diet.. it depends on how advanced it is.. I was told I was a type 2 over 10 years ago. I was 225 pounds at 6 ft tall..That was way overweight. I got down one time to 148 pounds and have several times after that.. Im usually at 174 which is very good for me. I don't eat a lot of sweets . I use artifical sweetner in coffee.. and also diet sodas and usually low sugar or sugar free treats.. But over time I lost the taste for sugar.. and don't really even care for it that much..

I think if you can control it.. your symptoms will be mostly anxiety , but then again you really need to have a chat with your doctor. .Make a list of questions about your condition and also what you can and cannot do and so on..and what kind of things you can expect and what would call diabetes symptoms and what you call anxiety.. Mine are mostly anxiety since my diabetes hasn't reared its ugly head since I started eating right.. Now if it will continue I don't know..My family had terrible diabetics in it.. My mother had diabetes but she lived doing pretty much what she wanted for 79 years and no medical or very little so maybe everything will be ok for you too.. Anyway we are all here for you to help.. Michael

27-11-09, 13:25
Thank you all for the warm welcome :D (looking4answers) thats were im struggling i have a job working out which is which symptom wise.Have fainted a few times in last couple of month to.Also in the same boat am 6ft1 and 18stone so overw weight dueto serious comfort eating when i was really bad with my anxiety\obsessional thoughts.Have changed my diet and do exersice but i think be years before i get back to how i was before fitness wise.

margaret jones
27-11-09, 13:34
Hi Kev

Welcome to NMP I have only been a member since Aug and have found lots of lovely people willing to offer advice and comfort .Hope you do to The chat room is also a place to visit for friendly advice

Take Care Margaret

27-11-09, 19:44
lso have have tyre 2 diabetics and gad i am on medicatiobn for both and gthey both help i also have to watch what i eat but still get good days