View Full Version : Maddie is my Heroine

27-11-09, 01:41
Dear All, I've highlighted Maddies wonderful success story below in Green for you all to read and applaud her and to take courage from.

We might suffer from debilitating conditions but with the right mindset and some practical thing WE CAN DO ANYTHING!!!!!

I am so proud, pleased,excited and happy for Maddie:bighug1: and also for Munkey who also deserves a big :hugs: who even with a dislocated knee started off his day by throwing out the bad habits (that produce the same predictable bad results) and introduced a new exciting start to his day.

Today I'd like to us to think about how we talk to talk to ourselves. I used to be a highly competitive golfer and I was thinking about this the other day when my "inner voice" or "inner chatter" started as it invariably does from time to time when I'm feeling a bit down. Part 1 involves questions we ask ourselves

Question 1:
Why Me? What's wrong with me? Why am I so .....? Why does this always happen to me?

Answer: Well -- If you ask yourself a lousy question, your brain will search it's database files and come up with an equally valid LOUSY answer.
If you ask a question like "why am I so fat" your brain will probably answer "because you eat all the wrong things and don't move you lazy son of a *****!!!!
It would be a better question to ask "what would I have to do in order to lose weight.
Your brain would then come up with loads of POSITIVE answers for you to choose from.

Food for thought???

Think very carefully about how your inner dialogue affects you
Best wishes to all and well done once again to Maddie and Munkey

OK - I DID IT!!!! :biggrin:

The trouble with busy roads is that you can't hear people walking up behind you. I had 2 terrifying, heartstopping moments as I was overtaken. :scared15: I carried on, though - looked for birds in the trees, felt the wind on my face, challenged myself to get to the next lampost. I was totally out of breathe when I got to dad's but fortunately he was concentrating on his hospital appointment too much to notice. A cup of tea calmed me down. We're home now and I feel exhausted but pleased with myself.

I think I did well. :biggrin:

27-11-09, 01:48
Barry I really don't deserve this! :blush: :blush: Thank you very much.

There are many people on nmp battling to overcome their problems. One of the wonderful things about this site is that we can support each other through the bad times and encourage each other through the good.

And I agree with you - positivity rules! :)

27-11-09, 01:55
Well done Maddie :) Makes me feel positive just reading it!! Keep it up xxxxx

27-11-09, 02:10
Maddie:yesyes::yesyes::yesyes: Michael :)

27-11-09, 03:45
Barry I really don't deserve this! :blush: :blush: Thank you very much.

There are many people on nmp battling to overcome their problems. One of the wonderful things about this site is that we can support each other through the bad times and encourage each other through the good.

And I agree with you - positivity rules! :)
Dear Maddie,
You do deserve every bit of it and more. Please now try this.
Close your eyes and picture vividly in your mind the elation at your STORMING through what you previously thought was a "LIMITATION" for you. Keep picturing this and imagining it over and over again, making each victory brighter more vivid and more colourful each time you replay it in your mind. Squeeze your right thumb and forefinger together and keep doing this over and over again till just by squeezing the thimb and forefinger together you experience the wonderful elation feelings again. You will then in the future be able to call on this "anchor" anytime you need self - confidence to storm through a limitation or any barrier. CONGRATULATIONS BRAVEHEART!!!!!

27-11-09, 04:15
A good opportunity to post a tribute to Sweet Maddie? (Now do you believe me when I first called you Sweet???:winks:):hugs:...........

The appreciated angel

“A message of gratitude”:-

Through your kindness and compassion,
With no pretence, mirages or illusions,
Upon our lives you bring tranquillity and harmony,
Providing us with inspiration, alleviating all our anxieties,

Your aura of authority ardently allures,
The pure in people that persistently pours,
From their innermost sub-consciousness, in the most sacred of souls,
No one can resist your magnetic charm that reverently revolves,

Glowing lights of enchanting examples,
Attracting all with crystals of clarity,
Shining brilliantly for all eternity,
Sharing your sensitivity, softly, subtly,

Enigmatic, elusive, flittering, fluttering,
A butterfly with velvet wings, an angel that sweetly sings,
One precious moment appearing, in one fleeting second moving on,
Continuing your mission, sounding your loving song,

Admired by all,
In their minds you stand tall,
Respected and loved for the sincerity you radiate,
To all you help, your truth and honesty is so richly appreciated.:bighug1:

27-11-09, 09:13
WELL DONE MADDIE:yesyes::yesyes::yesyes:

And a :hugs:for you Micheal

Luv Kaz x

27-11-09, 10:52
Dear Maddie,
You do deserve every bit of it and more. Please now try this.
Close your eyes and picture vividly in your mind the elation at your STORMING through what you previously thought was a "LIMITATION" for you. Keep picturing this and imagining it over and over again, making each victory brighter more vivid and more colourful each time you replay it in your mind. Squeeze your right thumb and forefinger together and keep doing this over and over again till just by squeezing the thimb and forefinger together you experience the wonderful elation feelings again. You will then in the future be able to call on this "anchor" anytime you need self - confidence to storm through a limitation or any barrier. CONGRATULATIONS BRAVEHEART!!!!!

Hi. I don't feel at all comfortable in the limelight. I'm answering this for 2 reasons:

1. To thank Bill for yet another of his exquisite poems :hugs:

2. To give the credit where it is due to Barry. I have tried his tip above about recall this morning and it works. If anyone reads this, please do give his tips (sorry for pun :) ) a try. I hope they work for you.

:hugs: thanks Barry

27-11-09, 13:11
Hi Barry,

Thanks for the mention , heres to trying again on day 2. Would just however like to point out that unless I am i gender confused munkey i am very much a girl lol. Thanks again for all your positive posts !!!

Munkey x

27-11-09, 15:04
Hi Munkey,
how have you been keeping?
How's the knee coming along? How did you dislocate it? Must have been agony!!

Wishing you better,
Best wishes,