View Full Version : NHS 'help' for anxiety / agoraphobia

27-11-09, 03:18
Hi all,
I just joined so hello. I have suffered with anxiety for about 13 years now and I developed panic disorder a few years ago also. This year has been worse than ever and I have found it harder and harder to even get out of the house. It started with fear of getting on public transport and has gone from there.
I finally decided to get help and went to see a doctor. The doc was great, one of the best I've ever seen but all he could really do in the end was forward the case on to the local mental health team. I went to see the 'psychological wellbeing practitioner' who asked me to fill in a questionnaire and we talked about about 15 minutes for what was going to happen. He said I would see him for 6 sessions and then go on to more somebody more 'intense' if required. The problem is, I have been twice now and all he has done is given me a print out of some breathing techniques and a sheet to fill in about when I've been feeling anxious. We only spoke for about 15 - 20 minutes. After the first time he said 'see you in 3 weeks' and last time he said 'I will call you in 3 weeks and then see you again sometime in the new year, work on the breathing etc etc....'.
This just doesn't seem enough to me. Here I am finally seeking help, feeling stuck inside all the time and so miserable sometimes because it is really getting to me and all I have is somebody to speak to for 20 minutes every 3 weeks (or more in this case).
I don't really want to cause trouble but I have no faith in this person and I really can't see myself getting better.
Does anybody have any experiences of positive outcomes after being to somebody like this or just any advice? I feel so lost and stuck.


27-11-09, 03:29
Years ago..I was sick.. they didn't know what was wrong with me . I was put in cardiac care for about a month. I was describing all kinds of things to them and they couldn't find anything .They gave me an mri and so many test it was unbelievable but they really thought I was ill then they found I had severe dehydration and it was shutting down all my major organs they re hydrated me over a three week period. While in the hospital they found I had gotten severe anxiety over all this..

While in the hospital they thought they might get some mental health an evaluate me.. They set up appointments and I went although I didn't want to..An hour every week..They were also kind enough to answer their phones on call when they were out on weekends..

At first I fought it and dreaded it but after some sessions although I didn't agree with their treatments at first I found them very logical and very good.. After about six months of an hour a week..I was cured for a very long time..So yes I have found it to be beneficial and it makes you feel a little weird at times but to me it was sure worth it.. Good luck to you .. Michael

28-11-09, 00:35
Hi, thanks for the answer.
My main problem is that I don't really have any faith in this person I am seeing and I don't think that 20 minutes every 3 weeks is enough. If I had an hour every week or maybe twice a week then I think that would really help but I don't know what else I can do right now.
Has anybody had any dealings with, or even heard of, a psychological wellbeing practitioner? Oh and I'm in the UK.


28-11-09, 00:46
Hi. I used to see someone every 2 weeks. I felt at first that wasn't enough, but once I got into the sessions I found that part of their value was the thinking they provoked me into doing between them.

Any therapist can only guide you. They cannot cure you. Only you can do that. It is important that you have trust in your therapist to know from their experience what and how much you require. It may be that in the run up to Christmas the person you have seen thought that it was best not to begin more in-depth work. Personality clashes do sometimes happen. If this is the case, ask to see another therapist. No-one will mind - they are used to this happening occasionally.

There is a lot of information on this site that can help you and many very friendly people to talk to.