View Full Version : ladies only please! owww?!!!

27-11-09, 09:26
I have several cysts down there, as the doctor called it "cyts in the labial folds".. which I could cope with, they are painful and a bit weird but she did warn me to get them cut off could cause me pretty big problems.. So anyway, I woke up this morning and went to the loo, and suddenly had a very sharp pain - after trying to work out what the hell it was, I've discovered a blistery-lump right on the most sensitive bit - if you know where I mean. I'm scared if I mention this to the doc they'll have to cut it off?! I know it's really silly, but I'm only eighteen and the thought of having certain bits removed or damaged does worry me - I am still a virgin and would like to have the chance to enjoy having sex when the time's right.. Sorry if this is TMI but I really need some advice on what I ought to do, I'm really sore and embarrassed :blush:

27-11-09, 09:43
It is NOT really silly for you to be worried sweetheart.. It must be really scary for you. Don't be embarassed firstly. And secondly, remember the doctor cannot force you to do anything at all... So don't be worried they will cut it off. I reallllly urge you to go to your doctor and get it checked out.. If you don't things could get worse. Ask your doctor to explain all the methods of taking care of the issue.. Your doctor can help you... Remember, they cannot force you to get anything removed...

Let me know how it goes, im a bit worried for you!! Not because I think anything will go wrong, just because you seem quite distressed, understandably.
Take care. xx

27-11-09, 12:38
Hello. I can understand how worried you are. I had similar problems when I was 24. I went into hospital as a day case, had them removed and have had no problems since. There's been no effect to the sensations I can feel or anything. :hugs:

27-11-09, 19:38
I am alot older than you!48 and developed a vulval cyst about 6 moths ago that was size of a tiny pea- didn't hurt and was told to ignore it but that it might get infected. About a month ago it got infected and turned into an abcess - the antibiotics didn't work and sent to hospital and given a couple of days grace before having it cut off and drained etc!!!!!!!! and I found that hot flannels dipped in dilute tea tree oil got the abcess to burst in two days yipeee and I didn't need any surgery - so if one of yours starts to get bigger - mine slowly got bigger and bigger and became painful- then try and get it to come to a head and burst as this will save you any surgery. It was more embarrasing than anything especially as I ahd moved house and changed Dr and all men:blush:

27-11-09, 20:23
hi just to let you know, i have had these on and off for years. Mine sometimes bleed, my doc says leave them well alone. They come and go. Nice warm baths help and let yourself get some air there. Try not to worry. Xx

27-11-09, 21:08
I'm sure it's easily treatable - if you look up what it could be on the internet, you're more likely to stumble across freaky unusual illnesses that will worry you, so just ask for a female doctor and DON'T WORRY!! Good luck xx

27-11-09, 23:02
I'm sure more women get things like this than we realise... i think people often just don't talk about it.. you will be ABSOLUTELY fine... even if the dr had to remove them I think it would be a fair simpler and less messy removal that you are letting yourself imagine.. There is no way they are going to damage you physically if it's just cysts.

Please don't worry and look forward to sorting them out and getting on with your life.

Take care

mand x

28-11-09, 14:09
Thanks everyone for your replies :) .. I've had this since July now - since squeezing a tiny spot, so it's probably my fault! And my previous GP told me it was simply an infection.. and then the next doctor said she thought it was probably a cyst and to get a check up every 4 mnths... if this next doctor doesn't help I'll go to the GUM clinic! it's really sore today lol, can barely even wipe when I go to the loo (tmi..sorry) but am going to have to cope until Tues when I've got an appt with the doctor (for sinusitis and a cough but is now going to have to be about all the three problems!!).. Oh dear! Might take a hot bath tonight cos it's just so painful, I'm a bit scared of the whole vulval cancery thing but the cancer research website seems to say this is only really a problem in people who've gone through the menopause or got hpv or something. So hopefully everything will be OK! Thanks again for all your replies; I will let you know how things go on Tues xxx

29-11-09, 13:01
Well, I ended up so sore and swollen last night that I phoned NHS24, spoke to a nurse who then asked her senior nurse for advice, and they got a doctor to ring me back. HE wanted me to go to casualty first thing this morning but I have no transport, so he wants me to make an emergency appointment tommorow with my GP.. lovely - more examinations :blush: hopefully they can refer me to gynae or something - and I'll see if I can get me mam to come with me for support lol. really hope they won't do anything painful - the doctor on the phone last night said he thought they would need burst with a needle!!!

30-11-09, 15:40
the doctor says there's nothing wrong! and that I'm imagining it all! I can't cope with this, I'm so so sore and she says it's nothing to worry about - and that I should go buy femfresh and that'll get rid of it all - and that I'm imagining the other lumps. :(:(:(

30-11-09, 15:55
What a helpful doctor (not) !! - I don't agree with anything perfumey being used down there but thats my own personal opinion. But its a case of don't knock it till you've tried it - Maybe the femfresh will work can it make things any worse?

All the best - I hope you get relief soon xxx

30-11-09, 16:21
I don't know; i've got another appt with another doctor tommorow so for the fourth time I will ask for help - and I was meant to be going to see her for a cough but oh well.. how can I "imagine" that I am swollen and lumpy?! So fed up. I even contemplated trying to burst whatever it is by myself, but deep down I know that's stupid.

30-11-09, 17:33
Amazed at Drs response - can you feel a lump that is very sore to touch??
If you can then you probably have a bit of infection and in my previous post I said very warm flannels with dilute tea tree oil worked wonders for me on my abcess and got it to burst on its own.

30-11-09, 17:38
Hi Daisy

This must be confusing for you but don't worry... i know with me the more i focus on something the worse it seems to be. If you still feel concerned get a second opinion but if that doctor also says its fine try to just be happy and forget about it.

Sorry you're feeling bad about this.. let us know how you get on.

Hugs.. Mand x

01-12-09, 20:32
went to see the other doctor; she was very helpful and has reffered me to a vulval skin clinic in 6-8 weeks - in the time I've just to take ibuprofen, sit with ice packs etc - she can't find any medical cause but she says hopefully gynae will be able to help. I just wish I could stop being so sore - and given that I've had three examinations in about 3 weeks, I've now lost any privacy :weep:

02-12-09, 18:02
this is really getting me down now, I've got anti-b's now but scared to take them.. i feel so alone and noone seems to understand/know what to do or anything.. even my mum says she wishes I would stop talking about it but it's really making me miserable. I don't want to have to wait til Jan and struggle up til then :(

02-12-09, 23:16
Hey there, Daisycake, I know how you feel - I´ve been there. The worst part about this isn´t the health condition itself, but the whole situation around, mostly the fear and the anx. And the fact ppl are anoyed when you wanna talk about this over and over. But I know that you NEED to talk. But you´re at the right spot here. We´re all here with similar issues and ready to listen. Keep us posted!

03-12-09, 12:39
My Mum has just had a similar problem. Please take the antibiotics right to the end of the course. Mum felt much better after 3 days with hers. Ice packs help, but use them 15 mins on, 15 off or your skin will burn from the ice. Also, try not to keep washing the area. This removes natural oils so the skin can crack and feel much more painful. Good luck with your gynae apt.

03-12-09, 14:07
This is something that I used to suffer with when I was your age. I know it sounds silly but eventually you will probably grow out of it like I did. At the moment please try not to worry as it is more than likely nothing serious. My cysts used to either go down on their own or come to a head a burst (yuk!). I found using antiseptic cream like Savlon really helped.

Little Miss Anxious
03-12-09, 15:35
Hi everyone, I havent been on the forums for ages.

Daisycake, have your tried salt water baths, I used to take them alot when I had trouble with Thrush or cystitis. my mum used to do the same, they help with healing & can soothe infections.

Just add about half a cupfull of ordinary salt to a normal bath (with no bubble bath or soap) & lay in it for a while.

I guess it cant do you any harm if you are aleady in alot of pain, hope it helps x

07-12-09, 21:21
thanks everyone for your advice - I've been taking the flucloxacillin stuff for like a week now, and it does appear to be helping (albeit I have HA issues with that too, in relation to overdose and stuff but I don't think it's possible to do that on antibiotics?) - but anyway, I'm not really sore anymore, yay! Hopefully gynae will know what it is, and prevent any future flare-ups.. I should say that the hot flannel idea also really helped, thanks! thanks again everyone, :hugs: xx

08-12-09, 16:45
I'd think that with antibiotics the worst that would happen to you is a really kicking yeast infection if you took too many at once. Given that you are otherwise healthy, etc. I'm not sure if this is what you were really asking in your first post, but if you do have a cyst in your clitoris (the sensitive bit) the doctors wouldn't cut the whole clitoris off, just remove the cyst! It seemed to me like maybe that was what was worrying you!