View Full Version : daughter not right...worrying

27-11-09, 11:31
My 2 year old daughter was sent home from nursery mon with conjunctivitis, got eye drops, she was fine all day tues barr a runny nose, then tues 5pm she vomited everywhere, all her lunch, the lot, she vomited 4 times, last time at 10.15pm.

Slept all night fine, ok next morning, went out, got home she was very tired, not herself, no appetite, later ok, more bubbly and herself, no sickness etc, ok thursday too except no appetite, then thurs night about 9pm vomit everywhere again. No diarrhoea, in fact a little constipated if anything, b ut really off food, seems to be drinking ok, obviously tired as not eaten properly since tues.

Anywya, i am panicking horrible as with all h/a sufferers that this is something other than a bug as i know i shouldnt but googled and did not find these symptoms anywhere as not your typical tummy bug.

Has anyone else had experience like this with children?

CHar xx:weep:

27-11-09, 11:37
I have a 5 year old and we went through exactly what you are describing a couple of times. In allmost every case he had contracted some type of bug or infection which was quickly treated by the Doctors. The important theing is to keep them well hydrated as they do dehydrate very quickly when so small. Also I would certainly recommend that you get her medical attention as soon as possible.

27-11-09, 11:40

My whole family has a bug right now. My 17-year-old had Tues and Weds off school, felt fine yesterday morning, decided to go back, lasted all of 5 mins and was sick 4 times walking up the road. He hasn't eaten properly all week.

Please try not to worry, I'm sure she'll be fine but get her to the doc to set your mind at rest.

27-11-09, 11:47
you never can be too careful with children think you should take her back to Doctor babies can dehydrate very quickly ,,so have her seen if ok what harm has it done it will put your mind at ease take her back x

27-11-09, 12:20
Thankyou all for your replies...I have phoned the doctors surgery, there are no appointments left today, I asked well can i speak to a doctor on the phone for advice then...they have all finished and gone on their visits, so iv got to wait till 2pm!


She is asleep now, i tried to give her weetabix and she had one mouthful and sick everywhere, she is hungry but doesnt know what she wants, she has just had a big yoghurt. So heartbreaking seeing her like this!

Thanks again xxx

27-11-09, 12:26
at the moment food not important just make sure she takes in plenty liquid i was a nurse 15 ears one way to heck if she is dehydrating is jut get the skin on her tummy between thumb and finger lift the skin gently then let go if it springs back she is alright if it slowly goes down and doesnt go back straight away she might be dehydrating,let me know

27-11-09, 12:30
If you cannot get through to your GP, you could take her to the hospital to be on the safe side. As gypsywoman says, it is important that she does not become dehydrated. If she is very hot, put her in a tepid (just warm) bath to help reduce her temp.

27-11-09, 12:33
You can buy hydration salts in the chemist .They come in different flavours ,so are easier for children to drink .I used to use these when my children were like this .I hope she feel s better soon and you manage to speak to the DR .lUV Sue x:bighug1:

27-11-09, 12:38
at the moment food not important just make sure she takes in plenty liquid i was a nurse 15 ears one way to heck if she is dehydrating is jut get the skin on her tummy between thumb and finger lift the skin gently then let go if it springs back she is alright if it slowly goes down and doesn't go back straight away she might be dehydrating,let me knowthe sachets you can get are called dioralyte but check with chemist first

27-11-09, 12:40
thankyou, i have just been on the phone to NHS direct and just waiting for a call back, i dont think she is dehydrated as iv been really pushing the drink on her, she is drinking and plenty of wet nappies, and she isn't being sick continually, its really random when she does.

I'll wait for the NhS direct to call back and then still call GP at 2pm, they might offer to see her anyway, if not, hubby gets home just after 4 and we will be straight down hospital if i dont get answers!

Thanks again everyone xxx

27-11-09, 12:44
that's a good sign wet nappies and you are ding well giving her plenty to drink think she will be fine ,,,, your doing all the right things mums know best about there children hope she improve soon