View Full Version : This is never ending

anx mum
27-11-09, 14:57
:weep: Most of u know on here ive been suffering from never ending headaches since aug now which is new 2 me cos i never get headaches. So sick of these ave tried everything painkillers, accupture, massage, heatpads. This is affecting my daily life trying 2 carry on as normal but so hard when u feel so bad. Feel so alone got a great partner but dont think he fully understands

27-11-09, 17:12
heres a big:bighug1:for you

27-11-09, 17:13
I'm sorry your feeling so down at the moment. Have you been to the doctors about your headaches? Also have you tried having an eyetest to see if you need glasses or a new prescription for glasses? :hugs:

anx mum
27-11-09, 21:19
yeah been 2 have eyes tested got glasses really scared of these headaches a anesrymn wouldnt last this long?:weep:

27-11-09, 21:32
have you been to see your doctor? xx

anx mum
27-11-09, 21:35
God yeah so many times she says its tension headahes dont really believe this? Got nero appointment wed thanx for replying

27-11-09, 21:38
Thats ok I hope your feeling better soon and that your appointment goes well. Let me know who you get on. xxx

anx mum
27-11-09, 21:40
thanx x

27-11-09, 21:45
good luck for wed hunxxxx

anx mum
27-11-09, 21:53
thanx kel x

28-11-09, 04:37
Omg I know exacltyy what you mean. I for one neverrrr get headaches, here and there some worse then others. Since June, Im assuming since summer started I had a headache almost everyday!!! Always in the eyes always painful. I never had a ct scan or mri but my doc blamed it on sinuses. Where are the headaches located??? I just had my first true migraine last night and thought i was honeslty going to die. my friend scared me telling me i could have had an anyeseum...I hope u feel better and find some kind of relief. Exedrin Migraine is a GOOOD stuff. not sure if is sold on the UK, but worked within an hr for me last night!!! feel better love!

28-11-09, 05:12
We understand and sometimes you can't expect your partner to really understand.. My wife was once told that she was going to die and had two months to live.. Now she says why do you get so anxious.. and I look at her and wonder what she is talking about.. I say why don't you get anxious..she says that after she was told in no uncertain terms she would die.. by the doctors..there isn't much you get scared of after that.. Its real and well...when you live by some rare chance ,you pretty much dont get scared .. Anyway wanted to tell you we understand and we are here.. for you .. and here is a big hug.. :hugs::hugs::hugs:Hope you feel better soon.Michael

anx mum
28-11-09, 11:14
Thank u for all your replies x

28-11-09, 11:23
That must be horrid having constant headaches. Must get you down. I hope the neuro comes up with something to help. I guess you have been checked for sinus infection?

anx mum
28-11-09, 11:35
Yeah it is horrible been going on since aug fed up with it now.

28-11-09, 11:38
Hoping you get some help now that you are seeing a neuro. I hope he/she comes up with something so that you can get on with your life.

Cell block H fan
28-11-09, 15:14
My daughter started getting a lot of headaches years ago, out of the blue, she was throwing up with them, so migraines I guess really. I took her to the doctors & he said its nothing serious. Obviously you still worry though, about a year later I actually started dating a doctor & he said the same thing. I asked him how they knew it was nothing serious. He said because they can tell by the things you tell them, times of day the headaches happen. Other symptoms with it. Anything else you tell them. They just know if there is a risk of it being anything like brain tumours.
I still dont really understand how they can tell, but he was right.
Her headaches have got better, in that she doesn't throw up with them now. But she still gets a lot of them. And this is about 5/6 years later.
My sister suffers big time with them. Beta blockers have helped her. Have they thought about trying you on those?

28-11-09, 16:09
i am sorry about your pain ,its not very nice i no .because i had the headaches every day for nearly two years. i did have sinus probs but when that went after a bad ear infection i still had them ,the rest of the time was dew to HA. they did go .when i had something elase to worry about .so with me it was all in my head ,so to speak . but i hope you feel better soon, take care .

sarah jayne
28-11-09, 19:05
I hope your feeling a bit better now. My heads really bad at the moment aswell, its neverending is it...x