View Full Version : Random Rant.. feel free to read :-)

27-11-09, 17:52
Hi, I'm Maxine am 26 and have suffered on and off since i was 17 with Panic attacks, Agoroaphobia and general anxiety.

I've had to go back on meds a few days ago purely as i couldn't cope with them solo, been down that round before and didn't work. So i bite the bullet this time.

So as you can imagine i'm feeling cack on the new meds i'm on day 3 so i know it will get better

My dad is driving me friggin crazy, he is being super demanding and i've tried to explain that at the minute i can't deal with all his stress too... he's not listening!

I live with my partner and my dad's at the other end of the country so i know he's lonely so i feel guilty not answering the phone but yesterday we had a full blown row... today he rung and it was just the same.Due to the panic attacks / agoroaphobia i'm contending with at the minute i'm not going out.. hs words were " pull you're socks up it's only around the corner!" for some random thing he wanted me to do.

I am sooo annoyed at this, i just want some sort of understanding and patience but one 'm not getting it and two i'm beginning to lose my temper so i'm worried 'm going to say something i regret.

I love my dad ( he's my step dad really ) but this is getting too much!

Any advice?


27-11-09, 18:03

I'm sure that many of us could have written your post. It's hard to accept you need meds and harder still going through the first few days of taking them. I have accepted that a chemical imbalance necessitates my taking meds. I think of it like having diabetes - just something my body is lacking through no fault of mine.

"Pull your socks up" just has to be the most infuriating saying ever created. Whoever first said it should have been throttled with his socks! People cannot SEE what we suffer and do not understand. If we went round with bandages on our heads we'd receive sympathy, as it is...... I had the same problem with my dad and even a blow up row didn't help. I finally found that being quietly assertive was the best way. I told him "no" quietly but firmly and stuck to it. It's amazing how empowering that tiny word can be!

I hope you find help on nmp. There's loads of information and many friendly people here. :hugs:

28-11-09, 11:23
Thanks Maddie :)

It's just so annoying!!

My OH keeps telling to me tell him to back off or words to that effect, I'm not brave enough for the concequences of that but i'll try a firm and essertive no.

As for the "pull your socks up" aarrrghhhh i would agree with strangling the person who first said that with his socks :roflmao:

Thanks for your reply, I think i'm going to be brave and not ring him this weekend.

Maxine xx

30-11-09, 11:02
I've been away over the weekend. Did you keep your resolve? Hope things are going better. :)

Just a suggestion, but how about giving your dad some socks for Christmas? The wilder the design the better. Then when he tells you to pull your socks up, you can think of him wearing them and maybe smile, not grimace. :)

30-11-09, 19:49
I've been away over the weekend. Did you keep your resolve? Hope things are going better. :)

Just a suggestion, but how about giving your dad some socks for Christmas? The wilder the design the better. Then when he tells you to pull your socks up, you can think of him wearing them and maybe smile, not grimace. :)

Haaha, that is a great idea!:yesyes: That would be my way of calming myself down about it, try bring a bit of humour into it,great idea:roflmao: