View Full Version : About my BP ...AGAIN

15-11-05, 20:17
Alright at first I thought this home BP was a good idea but now I am taking my BP all the time.
I got a little freaked this afternoon cuz when I took it after lunch I thought it was a little LOW .... So now I think something is wrong.

It was 100/66. is that too low?
Than I took it again about 30 mins later and it didn't go up much it was 103/67.


15-11-05, 20:28
I actually think that is a good BP... I also have BP issues... but the more I think about it the worse it gets... at the dr. at least.. I don't think about it other than that. I had high BP and pre-eclampsia when pregnant so I'm scared I am destined to have high BP in the future... I have "white coat syndrome" LOL so just seeing the BP cuff makes mine go up!!
Hang in there!!

15-11-05, 20:31
[quote]I actually think that is a good BP...

My hubby said that is good BP but I think about the "old' 120/80 being the norm so i thought my readings were too low


15-11-05, 22:10
Anything below a consistent 140/90 is fine.

Mine is usually 92/56 ish.


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