View Full Version : hospital op

27-11-09, 19:57
hi can anyone tell me how to get through this I'm due to have a biopsy next wk on my throat i will have to be put to sleep but I'm very worried about having panic attacks before and after the op what would happen then i have to wait for the results how do i get through this

27-11-09, 20:06
Hi Melvin Im in a similar position at the mo I have just had a biopsey (on wednesday) not a throat one tho. I was absolutley dreading it I hate hospitals . But you know what it was no where near as bad as I thought it was going to be it really wasnt. I was really anxious whilst driving to the hospital but once I got there I just seemed to calm down. I have got to wait 3-4 weeks for the results and I was panicing but the thing is its done now and the results will be what they will be and me worrying about them isnt going to make any difference. Remember doctors and nurses see anxious people every day and they will reassure you. I hope everything goes well for you. Let me know how you get on. Zoe xxx

27-11-09, 20:15
I think Cunny said it best .{Remember doctors and nurses see anxious people every day and they will reassure you} so you will be fine..Best thing try not to think ahead..blank it out of your mine and then when you are there focus on maintaining calm..You will be fine..We are all pulling for you .Michael

27-11-09, 21:48
thank you for responce guys

27-11-09, 21:52
Any time :)

28-11-09, 18:22
Hiya, I have just come out of hospital today after having my adrenal gland removed together with a large non benign cyst. I felt exactly like you and the night before I went to discuss the op with my surgeon my BP was sky high and I had an abnormal ECG but the surgeon said it was to be expected and down to anxiety. I, to worried about being put to sleep, worrying if my heart would stop, would I wake up etc, but I woke up fine, the op is now over and although Im feeling very sore I feel a weight has been lifted off of me and the best thing is I have not felt a palpitation since my op. I know it is easier said than done but please do not worry you will be fine, I promise Nikkixx

28-11-09, 20:26
thanks nikki thats put my mind at rest hope alls well with you now x