View Full Version : Pins and needles

27-11-09, 21:08

Earlier I was standing in my kitchen and my son came out and I spun around really quickly to talk to him and I suddenly got this pins and needles feeling in a patch on the middle of the top of my arm. It also felt like it went dead aswell as pins and needles, it only lasted about a minute and I wiggled it round and I rubbed it and it went away.

But now I am worrying that it means I have MS (one of my biggest worries) or that I am going to have a stroke or heart attack because last night I also got pains down my left arm for about a minute. They weren't that painful but I am really worried now.
It doesn't help that the other day at the doctors my blood pressure was high though the doctor said it was nerves because my pulse was fast too I am still really worrying.

Any advice please :( Thanks in advance x

28-11-09, 02:47
hii, i dont really know much about it, but have u any reason to specify ME over anything else that pins and needles is a symptom off?

sometimes i get pins and needles for a day or too after a panic attack if i stand up or even just think about something that worries me i get shooting pains which leave me with pins and needles which could be due to my pulse or blood pressure been higher from the stress, so turning round may have shocked your system a bit?

have u told your doctor about it? if it happends again it may be worth mentioning it to them just to put your mind at rest :)

hope your ok though, try not to let it worry you too much though unless it keeps happening or it will stress you out even more :-(