View Full Version : Ladies please - feeling rubbish

28-11-09, 10:43
Hi ladies

I have been on Microgynon for nearly 2 weeks to try to stop mid-cycle spotting and irregular periods. Have had blood tests, smear and ultrasound beforehand.

I started it on the 1st day of my period which ended up just being spotting that only lasted 2 days. Three days later, I started bleeding again and have been now for 8 days - more than spotting - just like a light but manageable period (a lot better than my normal period) but showing no signs of stopping. I also have some mild cramping and nausea and feel very hormonal and emotional. I keep thinking it will never stop!! What is causing this? Is it something awful or the pill itself?

I have 8 days left before I have my break. I know I should just carry on taking them but I just feel so worried and upset when I get up every morning and I am still bleeding! Help me please!!

28-11-09, 11:00
If that is progesterone only type...then yes it is the pill. I am now in menopause so have none of this but, when I took a progesterone only pill I had all of that plus bad headaches too.

28-11-09, 11:09
No, microgynon is a combined pill. I have read many reviews that say it can cause all sorts of problems within the first few months and I am hoping that this is what it is!!

28-11-09, 11:20
I always had problems for about 6 months with both types of pill. Mid cycle bleeding/spotting as well as heavy bleeding and cramps with both. I was changed to one that suited me better (eventually). I used to go back and forward to my docs and felt really anxious about it.

I used to get anxious about the bleeding, esp mid cycle.

Will you finish the course and stick it out and see? I am guessing before this things were okay. I hope it settles down for you.

28-11-09, 11:26
I have been put on microgynon because I have suffered from mid-cycle spotting and awful PMT since having my 3rd child 2 years ago. Blood tests, smear and pelvic ultrasound saw nothing untoward.
I have not suffered with a prolonged period like this before until I started with this pill. they were always ok (as periods go!!). It was the mid-cycle problem that the doctors were trying to solve.
It is just making me miserable!!

28-11-09, 11:35
Can I ask how old you are?

Perhaps it's worth them trying a few different types of pill. You are not alone with this...I know plenty of people who have had this on and off of the pill.

With the mid cycle spotting before the pill. Some people spot while ovulating. I was one of those people and was told that many people get ovulation spotting.

Not sure if it helps to know I had this all my young life and nothing untoward happened. It was just irritating and for many years I worried until I talked to other women who had this too.

28-11-09, 20:56

I am 37. I have always been spot on with periods etc but since having my 3rd child 2 years ago, I have had mid-cycle spotting and cramps. Tests showed that it was nothing untoward. The doctor said it was a hormonal imbalance brought on by having a baby.

It has got worse recently so I have been given microgynon to try to regulate things. All this seems to have done is make things even worse. It has always been a mid-cycle problem with me - my periods have been fine. Since starting the pill nearly 2 weeks ago, I have had almost constant bleeding and cramps (not awful but there). I remember this happening to me years ago when I was on the pill (probably about 15 years ago).

In my heart, I know that problems such as this are common when first starting the pill but having a health anxiety now has made it really hard to accept and (of course!) I keep thinking of all sorts of terrible reasons why this is happening.

I haven't been back to my doctor because I know she will just tell me to carry on until the end of the packet and see what happens. I think I annoy her really as I am always there at the moment!!