View Full Version : the worst day ever

16-11-05, 02:41
hi. just need to rant.

just when i thought i was getting better, i was able to go to the movies, hang out with friends, be in school. the worst happens, whats worse than having a panic attack ?? .. having a couple of them in a completely closed off environment. i live in NYC, and i was coming home from work, when the subway decided to stop on the bridge, i was already anxious and higher than usual, but this was the killer. one, because i already had a panic attack on a bridge before, and two because i started experiencing new symptoms. i also didnt have any water. i started getting the all too unwelcoming, paralyzing feeling, my skin was burning to the point of painful, my head closing in and pushing in, heart racing and the chest burning, which was a new symptom. and of course derealisation.....no where to go. i then got up and started walking through the car, and then was able to get into the next car using the doors in between. there i stopped, i was more rleaxed but my mind was racing, something new i also noticed...basically the train repeated the go, stop for 10 minutes, go routine for about 40 minutes. all of which were torture beyond belief, for the first time ever, i actually wished i died instead of fearing it, i just didnt wanna die a painful death like that.
i then switched cars again because i still had 20 minutes till i got home.i wasnt getting panic attacks, but i was extremely nervous, restless, trembling while sweating. after i got home, i opened all the windows, my parents were yelling at me telling me its freezing, but i was sweating and couldnt put my mind on pause.

now, 2 hours after, im in my frustration phase..mostly because this is the first one in SOO long, i was actually confident in myself until it happened again, and i feel like i will end up back at the beginning, AND i really dont want to. i mean obviously it wasnt deadly, and im still here talking about it. but i hate this recovery process, that after a month it all goes to the garbage. someone have any comforting words for me please? my parents dont understand this.

thank you

16-11-05, 05:36

Whilst you had a tough day with anxiety you actually handled it all very well so there are several positives to take from that.

Your recovery did not all go to garbage. You coped and managed a difficult experience very well putting into practice the knowledge that you had gained.

There is no way that you were going to go about without even feeling uncomfortable again or having challenges to deal with .

I remember once when I was revovered enough to know better, getting off the motorway when it flashed up 40mhs queues ahead, when I was more than capable of dealing with it- only to find my safety escape alternative was even worse and had me completely stuck for over an hour. I coped fine and chortled to myself that I should have not avoided earlier.

You are doing so well and in reality need a couple more of these so you can gain confidence in being stuck.

Do always take water and a form of distraction with you.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

16-11-05, 07:08

thanks for replying.
after i wrote that post, i actually got myself up and went outside and played soccer and got my agression and adrenaline and frustration out. i also made it feel like this wasnt the end of it, and im still normal and on my way to recovery and that this was just an episode. lets hope this mentality keeps me confident through the day tomorrow, when i have to take the subway again. i am actually looking forward to it, to test it out.

Meg, this is the first post i've seen you write, without including any links, but including your piece of mind.
Thank you very much for that.

And thanks in general for the support.

16-11-05, 14:50
Good for you - really well done.