View Full Version : Need some reassurance

28-11-09, 13:53
Heya all,

If you read my original thread you'll see i'm struggling with anxiety and it's quite bad at the minute so i'm just looking for some reassurance off people who have had the same.

Three or four months ago I notice a bump on my testical and have since had every symptom nearly for the related disease even though the scan showed nothing!!

Currenty I have a headache after getting a bad migrain last monday which subsided I then read about John Hartson who had ignored his bump for two years and ended up with headaches as it had spread there. I came to terms that my lump is nothing as there is a structure called the appendix testes around where mine is as this along with the fact nothing showed up eventually put my mind at relative ease but then i got the migraine and read about John Hartson and have since been feeling sick and had a headache over my eye which sometimes moved to the other eye or the top of the forehead. The headache itself isn't that bad compared to a migraine but it's definately there!

Has anyone else had headaches like this and can they be related to anxiety and worry??

28-11-09, 14:07
I posted on another thread about migraines and muscle tension caused by anxiety. Everything in the human body is interconnected. If you get tense muscles it will make you feel anxious and if you feel anxious the muscle tension will increase more ... Although migraines are supposed to be vascular in nature, I have no doubt in my mind that tension, anxiety, worry can set them off.

28-11-09, 16:56
No one??

28-11-09, 17:06
Doesn't my post count then?

28-11-09, 17:15
Sorry I ment no one else!! Thanks for your post I think I just need to hear it of a few people that have been through the same thing. It sometimes doesn't even feel like a headache just more like the ache you get before a headache it you get me!

28-11-09, 17:45
Sounds like a tension headache or sinus problems. I get the most awful pain in my eyes and forehead when my sinuses are stuffy.