View Full Version : Head Rushes

28-11-09, 15:20
Hi all,

I've seen a few people mention head rushes in their posts but generally in relation to taking medication.

I'm taking medication but have headrushes all through the day which feel like a rush of blood to the head and a series of tingling, crawling, pulsating sensations all over the scalp, mainly on the top of the head.

What causes them and what fixes them?


28-11-09, 15:46
if you post head rushes into search box there are others who will help sorry to hear your getting them i would say its rushes of Adrenalin have you tried propranolol they help

28-11-09, 16:06
thanks gypsywomen...i've also heard it's related to neck tension?

28-11-09, 16:15
yes your right tension can cause it not plesent but you will be fine love

29-11-09, 17:10
thanks for your post, it's so good to have people about who understand

14-07-10, 17:06
can anyone settle my mind about these horrible headrushes, i'm really overwhelmed by them

14-07-10, 20:35
Hi Springblossom. I had exactly what you describe 10 years ago and it was an awful feeling. The Gp thought it may have been hormonal but decided on the cause being my very tense neck and shoulder tension.. Few months ago the neck tension started up and every now and then I get those rush, warm, tingling .crawling sensations from base of neck up to top of head and also sometimes across my ear and side of face.

14-07-10, 22:51
Classic anxiety symptoms. Pressure, crawling, burning, shooting and pulsating pains are typical of anxiety. They are due to tension in ur muscles in head, face and neck, and gritting teeth. Mostly the symptoms are due to adrenalin rushing through your brain. I was told this by a neurologist. I had ALL OF YOUR SYMPTOMS, plus blurred vision, stabbing pains deep down inside my head, pulling sensation in scalp and vibrating scalp too. Could hardly stand up coz my dizziness was so bad, was bed-ridden too scared i would faint ot heommarrage. Had brain scan and was absolutley perfect. My head symptoms stopped as soon as i got the all clear. Never came back once. Thats how powerful the mind is. Change meds if they are not working. And ask to be referred for CBT as that, along with Citalopram, helped cure me. Good luck x

15-07-10, 08:25
I hadnt heard of anyone else getting these strange tingling,crawling sensations over the head until I used this site..Anxiety certainly does tense the muscles and particularly the neck and shoulders which transmit sensations to the head and scalp..

03-08-10, 20:44
thanks for your responses guys, i'm really suffering with these headrushes, they're constant and i'm not on medication, but my gp has basically told me to stay away from the medical investigations....just feel lost

03-08-10, 20:46
I get this too, I am also experiencing a lot of problems with tense shoulder and neck and tingling in my arms, which I think may all be related. I have booked an appointment with an osteopath on Thursday to try and loosen some of the muscles as I am so tense all the time.

04-08-10, 10:36
could it be linked to hyperventilation?

05-08-10, 01:30
Hi Springblossom

I would say they are linked to hyperventilation. I had a panic attack at my counselling appt this morning. I had the horrible head rush with it. My counseller said she could see my breathing was all erratic and said i was hyperventilating.

These head rushes are one of my worst symptoms. Even though iv had them for years they still scare me

mandie x