View Full Version : New here and scared witless

28-11-09, 17:27
Hi all,

I'm new to the site, so I apologize if I'm on the wrong thread. However, I'm trying to get some insite into some of my symptoms.

Last month I woke up with terrible pain on the outside of my ear. Then about 12 hours later, my face went numb on the left side (cheek to ear) - on the same side as the sore ear. It lasted about 2-3 days. The dr. said it was nerve entrapment, but never did any test to prove this as fact.

Two weeks after I got a horrible cold. Really horrible.

Then about 2 weeks after the cold, the same area went numb again. It has lasted about 7 days, and is still ongoing. I'm really scared that it could be MS. I was diagnosed with malignant melanoma in January, and have been under tremendous stress this year. I am a single mom raising a 5 year old who is not healthy. Then about 2 days ago, my left shin started to go numb. These numb areas aren't truly numb, they just feel like it. When I touch them, the sensation is the same as on the other side, but they are tingly.

I went to my oncologist on Tuesday of this week, and mentioned that my left cheek was numb (this was prior to the shin issue) and he said it was probably anxiety - which I have no medical history of - but said he would order a CT scan. My understanding is that this test cannot test for MS. Just for the record, I did not have any radiation or chemo - so it's not drug related. They took out a massive chunck of tissue in my right leg, and some of the lymph nodes from the right groin. But, that's it.

I know that anxiety can cause numbness, but can it last this long? I'm hoping it is just nervousness and tension, but the length of time it has been ongoing makes it difficult to believe. Any advice or experience would be greatly, greatly appreciated.

THanks so much to all!

margaret jones
28-11-09, 17:33

You poor thing i am quite new here and i am sure you will find lots of support and advice on here as i have :hugs:A hug for you Take Care Margaret

28-11-09, 21:41
Sorry that you have been feeling so bad and experiencing such problems. We want to welcome you here and tell you it will be ok..Sounds like TMJ to me.. I just experience quite similar symptoms and do from time to time. .I have tmj. .its horrible and gives you terrible problems.. Ask your doctor about it. .sure sounds like it to me.. As far as MS.. doesn't really sound like it. Good luck and we are all here for you ..Michael

28-11-09, 22:36
Please refer to: http://www.tmj.org/ or http://tmjtmd.com/

Also Visit: http://www.bellspalsy.ws/ (http://www.bellspalsy.ws/) great site and loads of help from other sufferers. I have had some problems concerning the jaw and facial tingling and weakness, developed into Bells Palsy, nothing serious though had treatment and all is well.The numbness was uncomfortable for awhile but is all healed now. Hope some of this helps.

Symptoms of TMJ disorder

The most common symptom of TMJ disorder is pain, with intense discomfort not just in the face and jaw joint, but also the neck and shoulders.
You may experience an overstretched feeling in your joints, and may also suffer from muscle spasms.
There is pain during jaw movements like talking or yawning.
There can also be ear paining, tinnitus or ringing in the ears, or even hearing loss.
You may even hear a clicking or popping sound when you move the joint. The sounds may be audible to other people also.
There may be swelling of the face and mouth.
There may be a shifting in the position of the teeth, or a change in the bite.
You may find it hard to open the jaw fully, or the jaw may shift to one side after opening.
You may experience trouble while swallowing.
There could be nausea, headache or dizziness.

30-11-09, 05:52
Hi All!

Thanks so much for the input. I ended up driving down to the ER to see what was up. They performed an MRI with and without contrast, in addition to a cervical MRI and all results were clear. Horray! Interestingly, the doctor did not think it was anxiety, but felt it was peripheral neuropathy. Not nothing, but way better than MS, ALS, stroke, aneurism, etc. - and all the other things we all worry about endlessly.:) Thanks so much for your support.