View Full Version : Constant need to check.

28-11-09, 18:04
Hi i am new to this site but feel like i can get alot of help from it.
My biggest problem at the moment is the constant need to keep checking myself for lumps etc, i will find nothing then sit there worrying well maybe i had better check just one more time incase i missed something.
Then i will think i have found a lump and continue to poke and prod untill i am so sore i cant bare to touch it any longer.
I have been suffering from health anxiety for 11 years now, i have times when it is better and my life is back to normal then out of the blue it will hit me again like a ton of bricks.
At the moment i am convincing myself i have breast cancer, although i have found no lumps despite the contstant poking, i have just found out a friend of mine has been diagnosed so that is what triggered the latest worry.
The doctor has prescribed anti depressents but i have not taken them as of yet because i really wanted to try and get better on my own but i think i am getting to the point where i just need to take them.
I would be so grateful for any sort of help or advice anyone could give me to help me with the checking, or should i say help me to stop checking.
I am also here to help anyone that needs it.
Mnay thanks louise

28-11-09, 21:21
Hello lillylou,

Welcome to nmp, you will find lots of friendly support and advice from people who really understand what it is like to suffer from anxiety.

It is really difficult to stop the checking cycle, because it becomes so addictive. At the time is seems like checking will give us some comfort, but of course it is only short lived and only serves to feed the anxiety; once you have gained control of the checking the anxiety begins to subside. I managed by treating it as an addiction, and only allowed myself to check a limited amount each day, much easier said than done i know, but with great determination and will power it is possible, and because the anxiety lessens as you go along it becomes easier - but it does take time to break the habit, and there are relapses along the way. Everyone's circumstances are different, and I have been really lucky having a very supportive husband, who has helped me break the cycle, by checking for me. This can work very well, as long as you agree the the checking will be limited, otherwise you will be back to square one. My main fear has been breast cancer, and like you I have made myself extremely sore with the constant prodding and poking. Hang on to the positive thought that in spite of your conviction you have breast cancer you haven't felt any lumps in your breast, and with this thought in mind set yourself a target of only allowing yourself to check two or three times a day, and no more.

I hope this has helped a little, and that you will find a way of reducing the urge to check - it is absolute hell, and I know how difficult it is. :hugs:

I am not sure anitdepressants are the answer; i think we need to learn how to change our thought process - a lot of people find CBT useful. It might be worthwhile asking your doctor if he could refer you for some counselling.

Cell block H fan
28-11-09, 21:32
Hi i am new to this site but feel like i can get alot of help from it.
My biggest problem at the moment is the constant need to keep checking myself for lumps etc, i will find nothing then sit there worrying well maybe i had better check just one more time incase i missed something.
Then i will think i have found a lump and continue to poke and prod untill i am so sore i cant bare to touch it any longer.
I have been suffering from health anxiety for 11 years now, i have times when it is better and my life is back to normal then out of the blue it will hit me again like a ton of bricks.
At the moment i am convincing myself i have breast cancer, although i have found no lumps despite the contstant poking, i have just found out a friend of mine has been diagnosed so that is what triggered the latest worry.
The doctor has prescribed anti depressents but i have not taken them as of yet because i really wanted to try and get better on my own but i think i am getting to the point where i just need to take them.
I would be so grateful for any sort of help or advice anyone could give me to help me with the checking, or should i say help me to stop checking.
I am also here to help anyone that needs it.
Mnay thanks louise
Sounds almost like OCD, like when someone keeps checking they have locked the door before they go to bed at night, & keeps checking!
I would try the anti depressants if I was you. Not everyone can take them, but if you can, it might just get you out of that cycle of checking xxx

28-11-09, 21:37
hi Liilylou,
I got myself into a cycle of checking too! I checked everything from moles to breasts to looking at the colour of my nails and even looking down the loo!! My checking often corresponded to something i had read or seen on the telly.It is very difficult to resist and it becomes an obession.I eventually went to the dr when it started to take over my life,she prescribed seroxat for anxiety which has helped.I occasionally lapse and thoughts start to creep back but it's much better than it was.Also,i think i am worse when i have pmt.Anyway try to be strong and positive fear can be a soul destroyer.:)

29-11-09, 09:40
Thank you for your comments and i will be taking your advice and trying to allow myself to check just a few times a day which i know will be hard but am determined to try and stick with it, because i know the constant checking fuels my anxiety even more.
Hope you all have a good day xxx

29-11-09, 11:30
Hi Lilly

I know exactly how you feel i do this too sadly i have no "heres what i did" words for you i am going docs in the morning can,t cope with feeling like this any more

Keep Strong

Good Luck x

30-11-09, 01:55

I know exactly how you feel and if you look at some of my old posts I have done the same thing. Obsessed with lumps and bumps and press and poke until sore and black and blue, especially the breasts and armpit areas.

I am on Lexapro and it helps and also my therapist has me having schedule worry and not worry days. First it was every other day I was allowed to worry and poke and prod and now I am on only allowing it Monday, Wednesday and Friday. After that once a week and so on.

Also anything I am concerned about I let my husband check for me. So I completely understand what you are going through.:hugs:

30-11-09, 02:08
You are very kind for offering to help others..that is the first start to getting well yourself.. Im sorry you are having a difficult time .. we all feel pretty much like you .. I hope things get better for you .. and thanks again for offering to think about others.. Michael

Hi i am new to this site but feel like i can get alot of help from it.
My biggest problem at the moment is the constant need to keep checking myself for lumps etc, i will find nothing then sit there worrying well maybe i had better check just one more time incase i missed something.
Then i will think i have found a lump and continue to poke and prod untill i am so sore i cant bare to touch it any longer.
I have been suffering from health anxiety for 11 years now, i have times when it is better and my life is back to normal then out of the blue it will hit me again like a ton of bricks.
At the moment i am convincing myself i have breast cancer, although i have found no lumps despite the contstant poking, i have just found out a friend of mine has been diagnosed so that is what triggered the latest worry.
The doctor has prescribed anti depressents but i have not taken them as of yet because i really wanted to try and get better on my own but i think i am getting to the point where i just need to take them.
I would be so grateful for any sort of help or advice anyone could give me to help me with the checking, or should i say help me to stop checking.
I am also here to help anyone that needs it.
Mnay thanks louise