View Full Version : So scared

anx mum
28-11-09, 20:10
In tears:weep:as im writing this hope there is someone there i can talk too these headaches r ruining my life. Had them since aug near enough every day last few days been awful. Really scared feel so alone:weep:

28-11-09, 20:52

Have you spoken to your GP about them?

28-11-09, 21:29
Can be allergies ,sinus, tension and many other things.. Anxiety causes people to have them everyday too..I should know I get them for weeks on end almost everyday.. See your doc ,sit him or her down and ask what can be done for them. Take a warm bath and relax as much as possible..But see you doc just to rule out anything.Michael

28-11-09, 21:33
oh hun ((((((((hugs)))))))) xxx

28-11-09, 21:34
I have had a headache weeks, ever since I came off venlefaxine and my anxiety started.
It is there just about 24/7 but I have just started acupuncture and strangly my head clears during treatment. It comes back afterwards but while those needles are in it is so clear and I feel so peaceful.
It is best to get your headaches checked out all the same but stress and anxiety can cause the most awful physical symptoms.

sarah jayne
29-11-09, 10:20
Hi hun, i hope your heads a bit better today ? Mine got really bad again yesterday, i'd forgot how painful it could be ! I went to bed at tea time because of it. Ive still got it today aswell as all my other symptoms. Im sick of it all. Im here if u need a chat.
Sarah x