View Full Version : New to nmp

29-11-09, 11:07

My name is Ian and i'm 24 years old. I have sufferd from Panic Disorder for around eight years. I remember the first time i ever had a panic attack and i honestly thought i was dying it was horrible. Although around two years ago the attacks subsided.

In june of this year i went on my first "lads" holiday. It was dreadful.. i hadn't drank anything yet and we had just got to Magaluf town centre when i started to feel a bit funny, i decided i didn't want to be out and i started walking back to the hotel, i ended up having the worst attck i've ever had.. my arms hadof pins and needles.. my head dizzy, my heart was pounding and my breathing was ridiculous. Subsequently i passed out. i awoke to a very kind policeman. I'd explained to him that it wasn't alcohol or drugs and he got me on my feet gave me some water and took me back to my hotel.

i spent the rest of the holiday in my hotel room because this is where i felt safe. Even going downstairs to get some food brought on another attack.

As soon as i was back from my holiday i went to see my GP and as like before they fobbed me off with Propanalol.. this just didn't work for me.

i have been back and back again and they just tell me there is nothing wrong with me and i don't need any medication.. i just want to be normal. I've been to see a councillor and i didn't really think it helped a lot.

I have had a panic attack every single day since i came back off of holiday which was six months ago.. everything at this point just seems futile. yesterday was particularly bad.. i didn't feel real.. i felt like i was watching myself if that makes sense?

so any help of any kind would be very much appreciated. :)

29-11-09, 11:10
Hi ianm

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

29-11-09, 16:49
Hi Ian,

Welcome to NMP

Have you read a book called Self Help for Your Nerves: Learn to Relax and Enjoy Life Again by Overcoming Stress and Fear (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Self-Help-Your-Nerves-Overcoming/dp/0722531559/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1259512337&sr=8-1) by Claire Weekes (Paperback - 1995) I think you will see yourself in the book and thus realize just how common Panic and anxiety is. You have nothing to fear but your fear of fear. It's the fight/flight adrenaline cycle.

It's available from Amazon plus another book by her. I call them my bibles as I read them during bad periods. I highlight the relevant passages. The main thing is not to fight the strange feelings but to Face Things, Accept the feelings, Float and then let time pass. Have you tried Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

Hope things get better for you.


Veronica H
29-11-09, 17:04
:welcome:Ian. Marchant is right about Claire Weekes...it is my bible too. This will get better.


29-11-09, 17:45
Hi Ian,

Welcome to NMP, hope you find lots of help here. I agree with Marchant and Veronica about Claire Weekes books! the more you understnad about the mechanisms of anxiety and panic the more you will be able to help yourself. Take care :)

29-11-09, 18:58
I'm on a tiny dose of propanalol (small dose because I used to have asthma) but they don't seem to be working at all. Is any other medication working for you?

Love, love. x

29-11-09, 20:57
Welcome Ian, we all in the same boat one way or the other but yet we are all here to try help and understand each other. :welcome:

30-11-09, 11:48
I'm on a tiny dose of propanalol (small dose because I used to have asthma) but they don't seem to be working at all. Is any other medication working for you?

Love, love. x

Hi, i did try a course of acutherapy and massage. this worked short term. This helped with circulation in the body. It worked for a while but there were no long term benefits i thought. I really am not a big fan of medication if i'm honest. I did try swimming and this seemed to work well but then i started to have panic attacks before i even got in the pool so stopped going. vicious cycle. i would go back to your GP and discuss what your other options could be.


30-11-09, 11:50
Hi Ian,

Welcome to NMP

Have you read a book called Self Help for Your Nerves: Learn to Relax and Enjoy Life Again by Overcoming Stress and Fear (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Self-Help-Your-Nerves-Overcoming/dp/0722531559/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1259512337&sr=8-1) by Claire Weekes (Paperback - 1995) I think you will see yourself in the book and thus realize just how common Panic and anxiety is. You have nothing to fear but your fear of fear. It's the fight/flight adrenaline cycle.

It's available from Amazon plus another book by her. I call them my bibles as I read them during bad periods. I highlight the relevant passages. The main thing is not to fight the strange feelings but to Face Things, Accept the feelings, Float and then let time pass. Have you tried Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

Hope things get better for you.



thank you for the information.

If i'm honest i've never heard of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, so will have to a bit of research on that. i will definately try the book though.

thank you for the info


01-12-09, 13:11
Hi, i did try a course of acutherapy and massage. this worked short term. This helped with circulation in the body. It worked for a while but there were no long term benefits i thought. I really am not a big fan of medication if i'm honest. I did try swimming and this seemed to work well but then i started to have panic attacks before i even got in the pool so stopped going. vicious cycle. i would go back to your GP and discuss what your other options could be.


I could really do with a few massages. Especially how I have extremely bad back problems. How did you go about getting them?

Love, love. x

02-12-09, 01:35
welcome to NMP. im new here to.
i recently went on holiday to magaluf. i dont drink or do drugs and im a vegan so i had one of the most boring times of my life there haha.
anyway i found myself havin panic attacks a lot. specially at night surrounded by people.


feels like prison
02-12-09, 15:28
Hi Ian, I know what you mean my panic attacks have been hitting me like waves, the feeling you are getting is depersonalization (almost like a dream state) I hate feeling that way. It seems like you are watching yourself kinda like being detached in a way. Just remember to force yourself to leave your comfort zone. I know it is difficult believe me, just remember you have the power not the panic.

I hope things get better for you.

Take Care

02-12-09, 16:34
Hello Ian, Sorry to hear about your holiday - what a shame you felt so panicky and stressed. You can get better though. I would urge you to read the book by Claire Weekes that's been mentioned. I don't think I could have recovered so quickly without it. Highlight any paragraphs that apply to you or that make you feel better and read it over and over again and through time you'll feel stronger and calmer and more able to cope. You can't fail if you follow her advice. There will be light at the end of the tunnel, I promise you:yesyes: