View Full Version : Does Anyone Feel This Way?

29-11-09, 13:35
I'm going through some serious health anxiety at the moment. I have symptoms going on that have me worried to death that I have ALS (an uncle died from it), MS, a brain tumor, or I'm full of cancer. I'm in the process of getting checked out by the doctor but here in Canada you have to wait months sometimes to get a test done or to get in to see a specialist. Anyway, there are rare times when I'm able to distract myself from my worry but then a new worry will kick in ... If I stop obsessing about this and just wait until I get checked out before I start freaking out then it will mean that I will definitely have something truly serious going on. It's like I'm too scared to stop worrying because it might be inviting something terrible to happen. Are we really this superstitious?

29-11-09, 13:44
its anxiety making you feel as you do maybe you should look under health anxiety on left of page there is a list of things people with it suffer from ,

29-11-09, 14:00
i totally understand where you are coming from. You have worded that post just as I would of writtten it. I can't advise you as such, as this is my main problem, but just wanted to let you know you are not on your own. Pm me if you want to stay in touch, we may be able to help each other. I am going to see a cpn tomorrow to hopefully get and see a phsychologist.

Emma x