View Full Version : I can't handle it anymore

29-11-09, 17:59
I have suffered from panic attacks since I was a child. I lost my Mum 3 years ago and they have progressivly got worse.

I HATE them... I dont know what to do anymore, i just want them to stop.

I'm petrifies im dying ALL the time. I think i have cancer, hiv... everything.

How can i make it stop... Please help me someone.

29-11-09, 18:00
have you seen a doc about it fr help

29-11-09, 18:02
if not maybe you should if you have andare on meds ,i feel for you on this site most of us have same as you ,,but we all try to help each other we will help you dont worry ,you will get better i know its hard but the only thing you can do is beat it ,,

29-11-09, 18:03
I have mentioned it to by gp, but she just gave me some leaflets on anxiety.

I just feel so worried sick all the time....

29-11-09, 18:07
then she was wrong this is out of order ,,you need help and meds to relax you ,,thats awfull ,change your docter you need help if your bad we all do love ,try and stay calm

29-11-09, 18:54
maybe its worth going back to the doctor and telling them you need more help, than just a leaflet!!

I do understand where you are coming from and early stages are not nice and very frightening. Try to remember that panic attacks wont harm you, they are just not nice to exprerience and can leave you feeling very drained and tired.

29-11-09, 19:04
Hello Heidi,

It is definitely worth going back to your doctor, and explain exactly how you feel. Perhaps you could ask if you can have some counselling. Many people find it does help; with therapy it is possible to learn to change the way we process our thoughts, and to acquire some useful coping techniques. Health anxiety is difficult to cope with, and it can be a real struggle at times, but there are plenty of people here who understand how you are feeling and will help support you. I do believe with some good counselling there is every chance you will begin to get stronger.:hugs:

30-11-09, 14:12
Thank You all. I am going to book another appointment with my doctor this afternoon.

I just worry that I am going to spend the rest of my life feeling like this! I dont know that I could bare it!

30-11-09, 14:55
[I]Theres no reason why you cant make a complete recovery .It needs adressing and now .Be very firm that you arent going to [FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="3"]lleave without some positive help ,either therapy and or Meds .All the best ,let us know how you get on .Sue xx