View Full Version : ouch my back

29-11-09, 18:34
i know stress, tension etc causes back pain, but does anyone have constant upper back pain, which goes right over and across and down the shoulder blades. It seems to cover all that area. If so have u any ideas on how to get rid off it.

Many thanks


29-11-09, 18:53

Yes i can get some really nasty back pain in the same area.
Nicola sent me something that is fantastic. It's a lavander neck cushion that you pop into the microwave and then relax with it around your neck.

Also as soon as your feel the ache/pain coming on, try to do some stretches because this will stop the muscles from naughting up.


29-11-09, 21:37
Hi Emma

I suffer with upper back pain alot.

i normally relax in bath with some lavender oil and it seems to help. Or maybe its the hot water that relaxes me.

Try some breathing exercises also to release the tension

love mandie x

29-11-09, 21:52
thanks both, ill give these a go x

29-11-09, 21:54

I get this got it right now going docs with it tomorrow

My doc has already checked my chest and said it is tension but it is unconfortable and constant also get it in my left side all round my shoulder and my left arm feels weak very scary :weep:

30-11-09, 03:42
Heating pad and tylenol works wonders.. Hope you feel better soon..Michael