View Full Version : Pesky missed heartbeats again

29-11-09, 18:59
Well it's me again. I was doing extremely well and my missed heartbeats were going down to one or two a day then yesterday they started again and I got about 3 in a row, which scared me loads and now I'm getting loads again. I have had really bad toothache and have been taking painkillers and Iam due on which seems to increase them? I'm so sick of being so frightened, just want to except them but it's ruining my life, living in such fear. Sorry to keep going on. Amy :wacko:

29-11-09, 19:35
Hi Amy

3 in a row is nothing to worry about... I can have loads and loads in one day... i wrote a thread earlier in which I said that I think there is a connection between artificial sweeteners and palpatations so they may be worth cutting out if you have them.

Trouble is of course the more we think and worry about them the worse they get.

Mand x

29-11-09, 19:41

Do not apologize for being scared and asking for help. I never had these problems until experiencing anxiety. They get worse for sure the more I think about it and then it is a downward spiral from there. I take a fish oil/DHA supplement and I notice it helps a bit with the anxiety and heart palpitations. I do think painkillers will create other symptoms and that in turn will make your anxiety and heart palpitations worse. I have become hypersensitive to all my body symptoms since this anxiety crap started. It is terrible we live in fear. Drink some chamomile tea -that helps to calm me for a bit. I think once you get your mind on something else you will feel better. Good luck and try and get your mind on something else for the time being.

30-11-09, 15:31
Thanks again it helps to know I'm not the only one with this. I'm still a bit shaky but am trying to except this. Got a 7 day taping starting the end of this week. Hopefully get some answers. Thank you all for replys. X

30-11-09, 17:19
Yes, they are such a blinking nuisance these ectopic beats. Mines have lasted for days again and I feel really tired. The 7 day tape sounds really good. It'll give them a better idea of how often you take them. I think the 24 hour tape is a bit too short to give an accurate picture.
Myra x

30-11-09, 22:35
Yes, they are such a blinking nuisance these ectopic beats. Mines have lasted for days again and I feel really tired. The 7 day tape sounds really good. It'll give them a better idea of how often you take them. I think the 24 hour tape is a bit too short to give an accurate picture.
Myra x

when u say lasted for days, how often in a day do u get them? Like 2 or more per minute every minute?

30-11-09, 22:55
Missed heartbeats can be caused by caffeine,smoking,any meds, indigestion, breathing air that isn't clean.. a million and one causes. I get them all the time .This morning as my wife was taking my bp.. I noticed two close together ugggg hate them..Recently been worrying alot I think causing a lot of stomach acid and it seems they have increased but then again they say many people get the all the time and never know it..I get them at night when I lay down to go to sleep..like the are perfectly timed. a series of three and then of two and then throughout the night one here and there.. I just wish mine would go away . .forever.. But I think when I was anxious for awhile I still had them but didn't care.. Hope you feel better.. Michael

01-12-09, 15:36
I get them for hours on end, dozens in a minute, during the day and night. I seem to be having a run of them the last 2 weeks and they won't stop!! I don't mind them apart from sometimes they make me feel really tired and run down, but then maybe it's when I'm tired and run down they happen more - it's a vicious circle!!

01-12-09, 16:07
Well I logged in to say I ended up in A and E yesterday as they were continuous and I felt like I would die. They did show on an ECG but all other tests came back fine.

I then went to my GP who prescribed Valium for a few days, and yes it has helped. But they do set up a fear and that fear must set them off. Now I am anxious all the time. How does everyone manage life while these are happening?

01-12-09, 17:11
Oh I'm so sorry you ended up in A&E but it's good you checked it out. You just have yo accept, I think. I have found everytime I just ignore them they get less and less. I know it's easier said then done because I'm up and down. Just stay posistive and think tomorrow is another day. Really hope you feel better soon.

04-12-09, 18:53
Trying to stay positive....it's hard though

05-12-09, 12:40
Hi all
my 1st time here..45 yr old male with anxiety since i was oh well erm 30 ish :)

Most of the time the anxiety has become "an unwelcome but known" part of my life,,,but this year has been a bit stressful *work etc* and ive started getting these missed/extra/ectopic beats....

I seam to get two types...one ..the normal ! full missed beat that catched u in the throat ...and the 2nd a much smaller type which u just seam to feel in the chest/windpipe area and is almost missable....

I had an ecg that turned out normal oh nearly cpl of yrs back now...but the mnissed beats have me freaked at the moment....seams i get about 6 to 9 each day :(

how do you all cope with them ??

best wishes.....


05-12-09, 18:23
I'm sitting here crying as the last few days I've been getting about 10 or more missedbeats in a row and it's making me so panicky and scared. I don't know what to do, am wearing a 7 day king of hearts monitor and captured it. I'm so miserable about this it's ruining my life!

13-12-09, 19:35
I get these all the time and, yes, it scares me .I have cut out coffee am exercicing more. eating all the right things and getting my weight and blood pressure down but still I get these "missed beats" all the time. Apart from these missed beats that happen frequently throughout the day I feel fine,better than I have felt for years and am sleeping ok so where do I go from here ? I am 71 yrs old and vegetarian following the DASH diet. HELP

13-12-09, 19:41
I get these all the time and it scares me.I don't smoke,have given up coffee, eat THE DASH DIET, exercise well (gentle) and sleep well. Any suggestions ? HELP

13-12-09, 20:08
Hi all, i suffered with these horrible little things for nearly a year i would get hundreds if not thousands a day, i had an ecg which showed my heart was fine.
All i can suggest is cutting out caffeine, try yoga to help relax you, chamomile tea, do something to take your mind off of them, mine eventually went when my anxiety levels dropped.
I still have them now a few times a day, but i am no longer bothered by them
Everyone has them it is just because we are so sensitive to any sort of change in our bodies we feel them even more.
I hope this helps in some way.:bighug1:

13-12-09, 22:09
I can totally relate i get them so often and they scare me to death i'm convinced my heart is going to stop working...I have also noticed they are worse when i am due on and also around the time of ovulation x x

13-12-09, 22:24
Yes, I agree, they are worse at particular times of the month. In general though, I don't think it's possible to get rid of them completely until they go of their own accord, if ever. I think they can happen less often at times. I've had them for months, am not afraid of them, but still they persist so I've resigned myself to having to live with them!! Sometimes I get hundreds daily, other times every other day. I'm waiting to get them checked out again by the doctor but I'm sure I'll get told the same result - benign ectopic beats. I agree, they are nasty though:weep:
Myra x

14-12-09, 01:54
yes I to suffer from this and it is very scary,brings on panic I have tried everything I also do yoga but it really does'nthelp probably because i can't seem to concentrate enough my mind keeps wandering.

19-12-09, 18:22
I'm getting really scared yet again my heart is missing loads of beats today. It seems to be happening when I'm cold and it has been freezing. So frightened. Does anyone else feelore when it's cold? Or after eating? Please helpe by answering. Thanks Amy :weep:

19-12-09, 18:28
Please try not to be so scared about the missed beats. The more scared you are the more likely they will happen. Yes, there are lots of things that can start them off. Mines quite often start after I've eaten something and this is a common occurance for many people. It doesn't matter why or when they start, it's all about trying not to be afraid of them. I've also had loads recently and my gp is sending me to the palps clinic on Tuesday but I know for a fact that it'll be a waste of time!! We've just got to carry on regardless and not let them interfere with our lives so much.

19-12-09, 22:34
Oh Myra, read what you said and relaxed and started watching a film and thought I was fine then had a big one and made me jump out and now I'm feeling awful again. I'm so tired and want to sleep but so scared. I've really had enough of them. Sorry i do really appreciate you taking the time to reassure me but my anxiety is so bad, it's just not going in. Xx

20-12-09, 13:55
Easier said than done but you need to realise that you are having harmless benign ventricular ectopics. They are uncomfortable but you just have to live with them like people have to live with asthma/tight chest, migraines, arthiritis. All these things are horrible but won't kill you.

If you continue to obsess you will look back in years to come and think 'what the f*** did I waste my life for worrying about a harmless (though scary) condition'

If it makes u feel better I have up to 50 per day but I've had weeks where I've had over 10,000 a day, yes that many in one day, I can feel every single one. Some are runs of about 4-5 at once which gives me a headrush and nearly sends me reeling into blind panic.

I spoke to my dad the other day about them, and he told me every time he's had his blood pressure taken (a lot because of his high bp) the doctor feels pvcs. He must be having hundreds a day every single day but luckily for him he can't feel the vast majority of them.

Personally I've got a bad cold at the moment and I got 1hr sleep last night. Today I'm having loads of them, and my heart just feels 'weird' - that's the only way i can describe it. Like it's in 'palp mode'. It is beating slightly faster than normal, due to my cold presumably, and it's keeping me awake at night. The lack of sleep then makes the palps worse.

In a way, having a virus makes me more chilled out about the palps because its normal to have them with a virus.

20-12-09, 19:06
Hi Skippy, you have described it so perfectly!! It's how I feel at times. And you're so right, we'll all look back years from now and kick ourselves for worrying about them so much. I don't worry about them now but still find them very annoying. And I agree, they get worse if you're not feeling 100%. So yes, we've just got to put up with them, learn to live with them and carryon regardless. That's all we can do.:yesyes: