View Full Version : Sore throat for 8 days

29-11-09, 19:50
Hi all, i have had an awful cold for ages now last sat i had the worst sore throat come out of no where & 8 days later its still bad. I have never had a sore throat for this long & tbh its not like anything i have had before it only really hurts when i swallow & drink all my cold symptoms are going now but this dam throat wont. I spoke to the doc on friday & she said to keep taking strepsils & that was it. Im terrified my immune system cant clear it for some underlying condition & im v concerned after googleing & finding out that a sore thoat should only last 5 days max?!?

Should i go back to the docs & does it sound serious?x

29-11-09, 19:53
o i should also say it REALLY hurts like i cant even yawn because of it.

29-11-09, 19:57

Sorry you are feeling so bad. I don't know what the weather is in your country but it has been very dry here in the part of the US we live. My husband and I have been battling a lot of post nasal drip and sore throat symptoms this week. The thing that helps us is a humidifier as well as a neti pot. I don't know if you know what that is but it is a nasal irrigation system. It works great with sinus issues and post nasal drip. I think you will be fine and try and gargle with a little salt water as well. Do not google. I do that and I go into a frenzy. I think your body is just trying to fight off left over bacteria. Take some extra vitamin C and zinc works wonders as well. Hope you feel better soon.

29-11-09, 20:46
Sorry you are feeling so poorly. Try taking echinacea which boosts the immune system and get plenty of sleep and drink plenty of liquid.
I am sure you will soon be feeing better.
Sometimes a sore throat can last quite a few days and leave you feeling a bit washed out.


Cell block H fan
29-11-09, 20:50
Hi all, i have had an awful cold for ages now last sat i had the worst sore throat come out of no where & 8 days later its still bad. I have never had a sore throat for this long & tbh its not like anything i have had before it only really hurts when i swallow & drink all my cold symptoms are going now but this dam throat wont. I spoke to the doc on friday & she said to keep taking strepsils & that was it. Im terrified my immune system cant clear it for some underlying condition & im v concerned after googleing & finding out that a sore thoat should only last 5 days max?!?

Should i go back to the docs & does it sound serious?x

You're kidding?! I'm on day 5 today & its still there. MIne isn't mega painful though, its just kinda 'there'
But to be honest, I wish I had a cold before, as then I would just be sure its a virus? Its because its literally just a sore throat & nothing else I worry :lac:
That & the fact it was only a few weeks ago I had the same thing. x

29-11-09, 22:01
there are loads of viruses going around at the moment, what with the weather etc.. I had a sore throat for a couple of weeks. When that had finally gone, i ended up with bronchitis for another 2 weeks.

Plenty of water and rest. Ty not to worry to much, if its viral, it will go eventually

Good luck

29-11-09, 23:53
I was told 10-14 days, everyone is different, give it time, and don't forget your anxiety can often make things like this worse and prolong the illness itself.

30-11-09, 03:25
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm my wife and I must be dying for sure.. we have had a sore throat for four years.. ..sorry to be such a bearer of bad news but it can last for a while. I had strep one time that lasted about two weeks and I was taking meds for it..Thought I was going to die.. but I was ok.Hope you are feeling better soon..Sorry for the drama at first but since we moved to a cold climate 4 years ago it seems we can never get away from random sore throats.. Feel better soon....!!!! Michael :hugs: