View Full Version : Please please does anyone have these symptons ?

29-11-09, 20:01
Hi, hoping someon might be able to offer some reasssurance ?

I keep getting these strange sensentions in my arms, dont know how to describe it, only way I can is that is like when you do exercises and afterwards your arms feel heavy and you cant move them and the other way is like I am shivering inside and like restless legs I have to move them or the feeling drives me mad.

I also keep getting funny feelings in my head, its feels like when you hairs stand up on your arms but in my head.

Please if anyoe has any please please could you share. Starting to think the worst.

Rachel x

29-11-09, 20:10
Hi Rachel

OMG! i am having exactly the same feelings right now my arms feel heavy like ive been punched or something i get cold sensations too...........my forehead has just gone numb about 10 mins ago now i have a headache i,m anxious because i am going docs tomorrow my ears feel funny like they are blocked too believe me you are not alone


29-11-09, 21:54
Yepp i get the head and the legs thing, its an anxiety rush nothing to be worried about, i get them all the time.

Not sure about the arms..

30-11-09, 03:41
All the time.. really I do..... its mostly anxiety for me..and im sure its the same for you.. here is hoping you are feeling better soon..Michael

30-11-09, 04:42
I get very shakey after I've had a really bad anxiety burst. I wouldnt worry guys, also dunno if either of you are on Mirtazipine but they can make your arms and legs feel very heavy when you first start taking it.
