View Full Version : Decided im going to go to the doctors

29-11-09, 21:27
This week has been awful, a nightmare in fact. I was trying to cope with it and pick myself up but i just can't do it on my own.

I have a worry though, i have been taking Citalopram 20mg for just over 5 years now (probably far too long) and im worried that the doctor is going to put me on a higher dosage. Up until last weekend i was actually thinking of starting to lower my dosage anyway.............now it looks like im going to have to get the dosage put higher :weep:

29-11-09, 21:38
I sorry you are having such an awful time just now.
I don't know about Citalopram but is there anything else your doctor could give you along with this to help you through the bad time you are having now without upping your dose?
You must now do what is best for you whether it is upping our dose or taking something else as well for a few weeks.

29-11-09, 21:40
Hi, I don't think you've been on it too long. There are people who take antidepressants for years as it's the only thing that makes them feel well and able to cope. Don't worry about that. Maybe the doctor will even change to another kind? Whatever happens it's your health that counts and if you feel good then that's the main thing. Please don't beat yourself up about having to take a pill each day to feel good. You deserve to feel well.


29-11-09, 21:44
I sorry you are having such an awful time just now.
I don't know about Citalopram but is there anything else your doctor could give you along with this to help you through the bad time you are having now without upping your dose?
You must now do what is best for you whether it is upping our dose or taking something else as well for a few weeks.

My doctor isn't very sympathetic to be honest, every time i go for my monthly check up he just asks if i am still taking my tablets and then gives me some more.

29-11-09, 21:59
I know the feeling exactly about your GP. My GP dishes out pills like sweets and always insists they will not have any side effects!
I am now taking natural supplements only but am not sure I would recommend this to anyone else as it has been hell and if it was not for the constant and fantasic support of my hubby and children I would not be getting through this. In fact I would of gone back on the meds in the first week and 8 weeks down the line I am still very tempted to go back on them.
Is it possible for you to see another GP in your practice? You may not only find that they are more sympathetic to how you feel but they may also have different views on how to help you.

29-11-09, 22:28
I know this may sound well odd, but for me there is one GP I can really talk to and she's so supportive, but whenever she's not available I then tend to see the locum GP he his understanding too.
I think sometimes it is better to the locum GP you know, don't know but I just find they tend to offer more help maybe cause they want to play safe with you! anyone else find that?


29-11-09, 22:50
Best to see the GP, but if you aren't happy with him - always try for a 2nd opinion. Good luck and take care of yourself.

30-11-09, 03:29
Im sorry you are having so many issues.. Maybe in a bit you wont have to take meds at all.. Just relax and try it now like the doc says and tell him or her you might want to try and make it without them in the future.. and they will help you.. good luck. Michael

30-11-09, 14:48
i can sympathise. you sound like me!
i have been on 5mg cipralex for 4 years now and before this i was on 20mg citalapram. i hate having to take meds am so frightened by them by gp has just suggested i move up to 10mg this was 2 weeks ago and still i have not done so yet.
do let us know what your gp says xxx

30-11-09, 19:30
Have made an appointment for Wednesday, i just want to feel better

30-11-09, 20:26
Good Luck for wednesday at the docs Manx - Let us know how you get on

All the best - Dee xx :hugs:

30-11-09, 21:13
Good luck for Weds. :)

30-11-09, 21:33
Thank you :)

01-12-09, 10:37
Good luck sweetheart... Everything will be fine.. You will feel much better and acomplished after youvebeen.. xx

02-12-09, 22:45
I have an appointment with a councellor on saturday and the doctor suggested upping my dosage of citalopram