View Full Version : Ladies Only Please!

29-11-09, 21:51
Ive been on my period for 7 days now, and its really worrying me, i havnt had periods in the past because of my implant (a contraceptive implant) but this has been my first heavy period in ages and it wont stop.. i had got lighter but im scared this could not be normal. I feel fat and bloated and uncomftable all the time i just want it to end. I dont feel like doing anything at the moment.

Any help?

29-11-09, 22:08
Maybe it would be best to check with your GP if this doesn't settle down in the next day or two.
My periods usually lasts 4 or at the most 5 days and I think I would be very worried if it lasted for 7 but everyone is different.
Having said that there are months that it just lasts for 2 or 3 days and this doesn't worry me at all. I guess bleeding a lot is worse then not bleeding much at all though.

30-11-09, 00:37
is it the implanon implant? i currently have that, it kinda just screws everything up in general, sometimes i go a couple of months with nothing, then ill be on for over a week, somtimes a couple of weeks of just spotting, its different for everyone on it too.
if ur feeling crappy and tired it maybe to do with loosing so much blood, try taking iron tablets for a bit and see if it picks u up.
but like erin says if it doesn settle u should go to the doctors, my 1st one i had a few years back i had to have it removed as it wouldnt stop for like a month, and whereas it wasnt really harmfull it was just a pain. this one seems to be behaving so far!
hope it settles down :yesyes: