View Full Version : just curious about something

30-11-09, 03:47
I finaly went to the doctor about a month ago and i tried to convince him that my heart was bad but he assured me that i have severe anxiety and he put me on klonopin and lexipro. i felt better for 2 and half weeks but now im starting to feel the same as before i went to the doctors. does the klonopin loose it effectiveness and does your body get used to it? just wondering.

30-11-09, 04:36

I have taken Klonopin but only at night to help me sleep- not sure if you would get immune to it after only 2wks, but maybe. I think that maybe you are just going through one of the dreaded rough patches again. If you are unsure in how you feel maybe you put a call into your doctor. If I could have my doc on speed dial- believe me he would be!

30-11-09, 04:39
yeah you can build a tolerance to klonopin, you can with all Benzodiazepines I think, thats the class of drugs to which klonopin belongs. you've also got to watch you don't become addicted to them. Shouldn't really be used long term so I would have a word with your doctor about it. My own doctor doesn't prescribe benzodiazepines at all and his own words were 'If it was up to me most of them would never have been licensed' Though I think hes being slightly totalitarian there :)

perhaps try a natural alternative AFTER you've come off the Clonazepam, I'm trying Valerian at the mo, its alright, its not as good as the good stuff like diazepam, but it has the advantage of not causing tolerance and addiction, its ok though.

hope this helps.


30-11-09, 04:52
Hi Danath just interested in a comment you made there - what exactly is Valerian and where can it be bought - im assuming its herbal ive other medical conditions besides the panics and anx - so would this be suitable for me too?

Thanks - Dee xx :hugs:

30-11-09, 05:07
I don't know about the meds. .im sure someone here will but just for noting .. thought i would say how much I like your name on here ..very kool:shades:

30-11-09, 05:07
Hi Dee,

Yeah its a herbal stuff you can get in capsule form from holland and barrets and other health shops you can also get it in tea form, company called 'Dr. Stuarts' does that, and theres also a tea called 'Tranquility' by Dr. Stuart's which is quite good too. They put valerian extract in things like 'Nightol herbal', and 'Kalms'. ITs non addictive and non-toxic as far as I know and I think its drug interactions are fairly non existent but naturally, its always always always best to check with a doctor or pharmacist in relation to taking something when youve got accompanying health problems/medications. I cant confirm how effective it is yet as ive only taken it occasionally but it does seem to relax somewhat. Only side effect im aware of is that if you take too much it can give you a banging headache, but ive not experienced this on 900mg, which is the top end of the recommended dose, though I am quite a big bloke.

oh yeah the only drawback is that they stink to high heaven, Valerian smells like the vilest most disgusting pair of unwashed socks you could imagine, but you just have to pinch your nose and swallow lol!

Hope this helps


30-11-09, 05:59
thanks for all your answers i really appreciate them so much!